HistoryViewLinks to this page Revision from: 2013 March 5 | 12:34 pm
This is the revision from 2013 March 5 at 12:34 pmView the current live version of the article.

This document captures the issues raised against the OSLC Core Spec v2.

To see the list of issues that occurred during the convergence phase see OslcCoreV2ConvergenceIssues


Finalization issues

This section tracks finalization issues, some of which have been or will be reflected in changes above.

These are the issues raised during the development of the OSLC Core spec up to finalization time.

If there is a #num next to the status, this represents the issue # from the previous wiki page

Note: dates below use US format (mm/dd/yyyy)

Here’s what the states mean:

  • OPEN - indicates that we have no response for the issue yet
  • RESOLVED - indicates that we have a response that we believe resolves the issue
  • CLOSED - issue has been resolved and the resolution has been reviewed by the WG
  • DEFERRED - indicates that issue will be addressed in Core Guidance v1.0 during the month after the Core Specification is final.
  • TABLED - indicates that issue will be reconsidered at some later but unspecified date


(only OPEN or RESOLVED issues migrated here 08/23/2012. For CLOSED or DEFERRED issues, see OslcCoreV2Issues )

  1. RESOLVED #30 anchor duplication (JohnArwe 11/09/2011)
    • Response Fix by using Wiki override option to add unique anchors (SteveSpeicher 11/16/2011)
  2. OPEN #31 Format encoding/charset defaults (FrankBudinsky 11/22/2011)
    • Response TBD
  3. OPEN #33 XHTML vs simple text in OSLC Core’s common properties (JohnArwe 11/15/2011)
    • Response TBD
  4. OPEN #34 Representing the order of triples in a query response that uses oslc.orderBy (ArthurRyman 12/08/2011)
    • Response Arthur included a proposal in the same note
  5. OPEN #35 Buglet in Core 2.0 - non-exemplary(?) use of Change Request (JohnArwe 12/30/2011)
    • Response TBD
  6. OPEN #36 Ambiguity in Resource Shape definition + consequent questions (JohnArwe 12/30/2011)
  7. OPEN #38 Suggested improvements to representations samples - (John Arwe 2/15/2012)
    • Response TBD, looking for contributor.
  8. RESOLVED #40 oslc:modifiedBy proposal - (ArthurRyman 3/14/2012)
    • Response Agree with adding - need to propose text, ask DCMI and clarify dcterms:contributor guidance
  9. RESOLVED #41 Multi-typed resource scenarios and rdf:type/dcterms:type - (MichaelFiedler 3/14/2012)
    • Response Discussed at April 04 meeting. The workgroup concluded that this issue should be handled by adding additional features to an abbreviated RDF/XML writer, not by changing the specification. Artificially introducing additional type predicates beyond rdf:type is not desirable.
  10. OPEN #42 unknown or unsupported property handling - (SamPadgett 3/21/2012)
    • Response TBD
  11. OPEN #43 Read-only and friends - (JohnArwe 4/13/2012)

  12. OPEN #44 correct all occurrences of open-service.net/ns (missing final s on serviceS) on the website - (JohnArwe 2012-05-30)

    • Response SteveSpeicher has done a search/replace through wiki pages, need to do attached examples
  13. OPEN #45 the usage of QName in this context is not valid. It should really state that we use hash URIs and this is the fragment segment of the URI. Need to promote/clarify OSLCCoreURINamingGuidance - (ArthurRyman 2012-06-13)
    • Response TBD
  14. OPEN #46 Resource shapes provide no way to represent an RDF Plain Literal, only typed literals - (JohnArwe for ArthurRyman, 2012-07-11)
    • Response TBD
  15. RESOLVED #47 Add oslc:usage to oslc:Service - (JohnArwe for Automation WG), 2012-07-25)
  16. CLOSED Handling of nrecognized content (JimConnalen, 2012-09-27)
  17. RESOLVED Handling of long URIs JohnArwe 2012-09-06)
    • Response ToDo on JohnArwe to provide writeup on handling of form-encoded POST to mean query instead of GET. Meeting20121017

TrackedResourceSet Issues

These are the issues against http:open services.netwikicoreTrackedResourceSet 2.0

After finalization changes

These are the corrections and clarifications made to the spec since it exited finalization, became final.

See CLOSED items above with FIXED subheadings.

Finalization changes

These are the corrections and clarifications made to the spec since it entered finalization.

  1. Changed #oslc-postMessage-1.0 to #oslc-core-postMessage-1.0 in the Delegated UI section.
  2. Changed width/height hints and iframe considerations to use relative length units as defined in the W3C Cascading Style Sheets Specification (CSS 2.1) Em and ex units are interpreted relative to the default system font (at 100% size).
  3. Changed oslc:usage value-type from String to Resource with representation Reference.
  4. Appendix A: clarified property oslc:isMemberPropertiy with “For the purposes of the OSLC Query Syntax, indicates that the property is used to state membership of a resource in a collection. It is used when you filter a collection resource with a query.”
  5. Appendix A: changed dcterms:contributor to allow resource value-type of Either and representation of Either.
  6. Appendix A: changed dcterms:creator to allow resource value-type of Either and representation of Either.
  7. Appendix A: clarified property dcterms:title with “Title of the resource shape. SHOULD include only content that is valid and suitable inside an XHTML element.”
  8. Appendix A: clarified property dcterms:description with “Title of the resource shape. SHOULD include only content that is valid and suitable inside an XHTML element.”
  9. Appendix D: corrected many Resource/Reference properties that were incorrectly represented as string values.
  10. Appendix B: corrected many RDF/XML examples so that they validate and attached new versions of the examples, linked to the RDF Validator.
  11. Appendix A: corrections to be consistent about showing Namespace URI for each resource and associated properties.
  12. Appendix B: changed xmlns:foaf="http://http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" to xmlns:foaf="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/".
  13. Appendix A: clarified description of oslc:instanceShape to explain its purpose
  14. Appendix A: clarified description of oslc:serviceProvider to explain what it means to have more than one
  15. In Defining OSLC Resources section, added reference to OSLC Link Guidance in description of Range
  16. Appendix A: Clarified introduction to explain that common properties available for use in domain specs, not required
  17. Glossary of Terms: Changed definition of OSLC Resource to read “a resource that is either defined by an OSLC specification, see OSLC Defined Resources below”
  18. Resource Paging: Added clarification and fixed terminology regarding usage of oslc:ResponseInfo
  19. Appendix A: Common properties - added rdfs:member
  20. Moved OSLC Core Representations Guidance into the Core Spec as Appendix B. What were previously appendices B, C and D have become example pages that are linked to from the new Appendix B.
  21. Moved OSLC Core Links Guidance into the Core spec as Appendix C.
  22. Added Query Specification errors sub-section to Query Syntax section, to clarify behavior when query specified incorrectly.
  23. oslc:details (Service Provider section) changed from ‘one-or-many’ to ‘zero-or-more’
  24. Added section Provider response size limitations to the Core spec to clarify behavior when sever cannot return full response
  25. Expanded description of the Response Info oslc:totalCount property.
  26. Query Syntax spec: added definition for Nested Properties
  27. Query Syntax spec: added definition for Prefixed Names
  28. Query Syntax spec: changed “scope of the query is limited to the boundaries of the service” to “scope of the query MAY be limited to the boundaries of the service”
  29. Query Syntax spec: added requirement that datatypes and operators work as specified by SPARQL
  30. Query Syntax spec: changed “Each resource that is returned in the response is annotated with a special property, oslc:score, that gives its match score” to “Each resource that is returned in the response MUST be annotated with a special property, oslc:score, that gives its match score”
  31. Appendix A: Common properties - added oslc:discussedBy, in oslc:Comment renamed oslc:discussion to oslc:partOfDiscussion and fixed some column for Read-only.
  32. Appendix A: oslc:Property property oslc:allowedValue had wrong occurs of zero-or-one, should be zero-or-many. This was an authoring error, as clearly this was to be a multi-valued property.
  33. Removed reference to incomplete Partial Update Guidance
  34. Corrected last example in Appendix C Link guidance to show full resource, and put rdf:about on correct element
  35. Clarified description of the OSLC Service Provider Catalog
  36. Removed text that said “domain specifications MAY specify other query syntaxes”
  37. Removed the “Occurs” columns from all common property tables in Appenix A

Category:Supporting Documents
