REST API main topics: Architecture, Design, Data Model, Standard URIs
Standard URIs child topics : Key Software Metrics, Role Names
Time Units of Measure
Effort Units of Measure
Size Units of Measure
Reliability Units of Measure
Productivity Units of Measure
Process Units of Measure
Financial Units of Measure
Standard Dimensions
Standard Grains
This is a Working Draft and is therefore subject to frequent and major change.
Many of the resources defined in the EMS 1.0 data model have properties that refer to formats, metrics, units of measure, dimensions, and grains. We model these property values as resources themselves, and identify them using URIs. This use of URIs to identify resources is consistent with the underlying RDF data model of EMS 1.0 and enables the unambiguous interchange of information among multiple service providers and consumers.
This specification defines standard URIs for many of these key resources. Other organizations MAY define additional standard URIs. Users of EMS 1.0 SHOULD use standard URIs where they are applicable, but MAY use other URIs when no standard ones exists.
This specification defines a standard classification scheme for these key resources as well as assigning them standard URIs. The classification scheme consists of a set of classes with subclass relationships among them. Each class is also assigned a standard URI. A set of related classes, subclasses, and individuals is sometimes referred to as an ontology.
EMS URI Prefixes
The following URI prefixes are used in this document:
Table of URI Prefixes
Prefix |
ems: |
<> |
format: |
<> |
metric: |
<> |
unit: |
<> |
dimension: |
<> |
dimension-member: |
<> |
grain: |
<> |
A format is a specification of the syntax of a resource. In EMS 1.0, the value of the ems:wbsFormat property is a format resource. ems:Format is the class of all formats and ems:WbsFormat is the subclass of all WBS formats.
A metric is a procedure or algorithm for quantifying or measuring some aspect of a thing, system, event, etc. In EMS 1.0, we are concerned with metrics for software development projects. For example, duration is the metric that measures the amount of time that a project takes. ems:Metric is the class of all metrics.
A metric may be either directly measured or it may be computed from other metrics. Metrics that are computed from other metrics are referred to as derived metrics.
In general, a project is a time-bounded work effort that produces a unique result. Time (ems:TimeMetric) and effort (ems:EffortMetric) are therefore key metrics that apply to any project. For software development projects, the result produced is new or enhanced source code that provides some desirable capabilites. Size metrics (ems:SizeMetric) quantify the capability, scope, or bulk of the software. Reliability metrics (ems:ReliabilityMetric) quantify the correctness of the software. Productivity metrics (ems:ProductivityMetric) quantify the amount of time or effort required to produce the software. Time, effort, size, reliability, and productivity are core metrics for software development projects.
People produce software using processes and practices, e.g. automatic unit testing, continuous integration, etc. It is often useful to monitor metrics that quantify these processes. For example, the test execution success/fail rates is a useful metric for the quality management processes. Process metrics (ems:ProcessMetric) quantify the processes and practices used by the development team.
Cost is a key metric to track for any project. In software projects, labor is usually the main cost component so there is a close relationship between cost and effort. However, there are other cost components, and other financial metrics, such as benefit and value. We therefore group all of these financial metrics into a separate class (ems:FinancialMetric).
See Key Software Metrics for more detail.
The value of a measurement of a metric is expressible as a real number with respect to some unit of measure. For example, project duration is typically measured in units of months or years. ems:UnitOfMeasure is the class of all units of measure.
We slightly abuse the term unit of measure since in general it includes both a unit of measure and an origin from which measurements are made. For example, temperature is often measured in units from some value designed as zero degrees, and calendar dates are measured from some starting time.
A project metric is often an aggregate quantity that is built up from more detailed metrics. For example, the total effort for a project is the sum of the effort spent in each time period of the project. Here effort is said to be analyzed along the dimension of time. A metric may be simultaneously analyzed along more than one dimension. For example, effort is often analyzed along both time and role dimensions. ems:Dimension is the class of all dimensions
A dimension member is any subset, interval, or region of a dimension. In the example of the time dimension, any specific day, week, month, year, etc., such as the day 1970-01-01, is a member. ems:DimensionMember is the class of all dimension members.
The level of detail used to analyze a metric along some dimension is referred to as the grain of the dimension. A grain is a set of dimension members that are mutually exclusive and that together span the entire dimension. For example, if we measure effort per month then we are analyzing effort along the time dirmension using a grain size of one month. A dimension may have more than one grain. For example, time may be analyzed by day, month, week, month, year, etc. ems:Grain is the class of all grains.
One grains refines another is every member of the coarser grain is equal to a union of some members of the finer grain. For example, days refine weeks, however, weeks do not refine months since some weeks begin and end in different months. The refinement relation between grains defines a natural hierarchy.
NASA has published the QUDT ontology for Quantities, Units, Dimensions, and Data Types. This ontology contains standard URIs for time (qudt:TimeUnit) and currency (qudt:CurrencyUnit) units. We will use these rather than defining new ones here.
The class qudt:Unit describes units of measure. We therefore define ems:UnitOfMeasure to be a superclass of qudt:Unit, i.e. any instance of qudt:Unit is also an instance of ems:UnitOfMeasure .
The class qudt:QuantityKind corresponds closely to ems:Metric.
We could therefore use the QUDT ontology to provide machine-readable information about the metrics and units of measure defined in this specification. One advantage of doing this is that qudt:Unit has properties that give the conversion factors for transforming between compatible units of measure, i.e. units of measure that apply to the same quantity kinds such as months and years applying to duration. Since the set of metrics and units of measures is open, other organizations that define new metrics and units of measure could also describe them using QUDT and thereby enable automatic conversions between the new and existing units. An EMS 1.0 service provider SHOULD provide QUDT descriptions of metrics and units of measure.
The classes qudt:Quantity and qudt:QuantityValue together correspond roughly to ems:Measure. Each specifies the metric (aka quanity kind), the numeric value, and the units of measure.
The class qudt:Dimension describes dimensions in the sense of dimensional analysis of quantities which is a different concept than that described by ems:Dimension.
QUDT URI Prefixes
The following QUDT URI prefixes are used in this document:
Table of QUDT URI Prefixes
ems:Format is the class of all format URIs.
ems:WbsFormat is the class of all WBS format URIs. This class is the range of the ems:wbsFormat property of an ems:WorkBreakdownStructure resource. The following table contains the standard WBS format URIs:
ems:TimeMetric is the class of all time metrics. It is a subclass of ems:Metric. Time metrics quantify both when events occur and how much time passes between two events. These two types of time metric are closely related but different. Here we use the term event to mean some instant that marks a point in time, but that itself occupies no duration. The length of time that passes between two project events is typically measured in hours, days, weeks, etc.
The point in time at which an event occurs is measured with reference to some calendar that establishes an origin point in time. For example, in the Gregorian calendar, points in time are measured as the amount of time that has elapsed since a certain historical event that is denoted as year 1 AD. Points in Unix time as measured as the elapsed time since the so-called epoch which has the Gregorian date 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
Table of ems:TimeMetric Standard URIs
Description |
metric:Duration |
The amount of time that passes between two events, e.g. the start and finish of a project or task. |
metric:Start |
The point in time that marks the start of some activity or process, e.g. the start of a project or task. |
metric:Finish |
The point in time that marks the finish of some activity or process, e.g. the finish of a project or task. |
metric:Duration measures the amount of time between the start and finish of a project. It is typically broken down by task and phase dimensions.
metric:Start measures the point in time at which the project starts. It is typically broken down by task and phase dimensions.
metric:Finish measures the point in time at which the project finishes. It is typically broken down by task and phase dimensions.
Time Units of Measure
The metric metric:Duration is the kind of quantity identified by qudt-quantity:Time. QUDT defines several units of measure for it. We introduce additional standard URIs for a more complete list of time units, but define them in terms of QUDT.
QUDT does not describe the concept of a point in time such as Gregorian date-time or UNIX time.
The following table lists the QUDT units for measuring time durations:
Table of qudt:TimeUnit Standard URIs for Time Duration Metrics
Table of ems:UnitOfMeasure Standard URIs for Time Metrics
Description |
unit:Second |
A time duration of one second, same as qudt-unit:SecondTime. |
unit:Minute |
A time duration of one minute, same as qudt-unit:MinuteTime. |
unit:Hour |
A time duration of one hour, same as qudt-unit:Hour. |
unit:Day |
A time duration of one day, same as qudt-unit:Day. |
unit:Week |
A time duration of one week = 7 days. |
unit:Month |
A time duration of one month = 1/12 of one 365-day year. |
unit:Year |
A time duration of one year, same as qudt-unit:Year365Day. |
unit:GregorianDateTime |
A point in time measured in decimal Gregorian years. |
unit:UnixTime |
A point in time measured in seconds elapsed since the epoch. |
ems:EffortMetric is the class of all effort metrics. It is a subclass of ems:Metric. Effort metrics quantify the amount of people and time required to produce software.
Table of ems:EffortMetric Standard URIs
Description |
metric:Staffing |
The average number of people working. |
metric:PeakStaffing |
The maximum number of people working. |
metric:FullTimeEquivalent |
The average number of full-time equivalent (FTE) people working. |
metric:Effort |
The effort expended by the people working. |
A project is a time-bounded work effort, and the work on a project is performed by people. At any given point in time during the project, some number of people will be working on it. This number varies over the course of the project. metric:staffing is the average number of people working on a project. This metric is typically broken down by role, time, and task dimensions. A staffing curve for a project is simply the metric:Staffing metric broken down along the time dimension.
metric:PeakStaffing is the maximum number of people that work on a project. Like metric:Staffing, it can be broken down by time or task, although it is usually of interest as a whole project metric.
Some people that work on a project may be working on other projects at the same time, or may not be full-time employees. In this case, the ems:Staffing metric does not give a completely accurate picture of the staffing level. Full-time equivalent (FTE) provides a count of the number of people weighted by their level of assignment to the project. For example, 10 half-time people count as 5 FTE people. ems:FullTimeEquivalent measures the average number of FTE people that are working and like ems:sfaffing, is tyically broken down by time and task.
ems:Effort is the product of the staffing level and the time spent. It is measure in person-time units. For example, 10 people working 12 months expend 120 person-months of effort. Effort is typically broken down by task or phase.
Effort Units of Measure
Table of ems:UnitOfMeasure Standard URIs for Effort Metrics
Description |
unit:Person |
A real or FTE person. |
unit:PersonHour |
The amount of effort expended by one person working for one hour. |
unit:PersonMonth |
The amount of effort expended by one person working for one month. |
unit:PersonYear |
The amount of effort expended by one person working for one year. |
ems:SizeMetric is the class of all size metrics. It is a subclass of ems:Metric. Size metrics quantify the capability or bulk of software.
Table of ems:SizeMetric Standard URIs
Description |
metric:Sloc |
The count of source lines of code (SLOC). |
metric:Esloc |
The count of effective source lines of code (ESLOC). |
metric:IFPUG42_FunctionPoints |
The count of function points as defined by IFPUG Function Point Counting Practice Manual, Release 4.2. |
metric:UseCasePoints |
The count of use case points. |
metric:StoryPoints |
The count of story points. |
metric:IdealDays |
The count of ideal days. |
Software development projects produce source code. The rules for what counts as a line of code have been established by the industry. This metric is typically broken down along component, feature, and programming language dimensions.
The work of the project involves both modifying pre-existing source code and writing new source code. The effective source lines of code (ESLOC) is the sum of the modified and new lines of code. This metric is typically broken down along component, feature, and programming language dimensions.
A function point count is a measure of the amount of function embodied in the source code developed by a project. The rules for counting function points have been established by standards organizations. metric:IFPUG42_FunctionPoints is defined by International Function Point User Group (IFPUG), The Function Point Standard, Counting Practices Manual, Release 4.2. This metric is typically broken down along the feature dimension.
A use case is a way of describing requirements. Use cases are frequently used in object-oriented development projects. Use case diagrams are part of Unified Modelling Language (UML). A use case point count is a measure of the size of a software system based on the use cases it implements and other environmental factors.
A story point is an Agile metric that measures the relative size of a user story or epic. The relative scale is established by the Agile team and will differ from team to team. metric:StoryPoints is the total number of story points produced during a project. It is typically broken down along iteration and user story dimensions.
An ideal day is an Aglie metric that measures the relative size of a user story or epic. The relative scale is established by the Agile team and will differ from team to team. metric:IdealDays is the total number of ideal days produced during a project. It is typically broken down along iteration and user story dimensions.
Size Units of Measure
Table of ems:UnitOfMeasure Standard URIs for Size Metrics
Description |
unit:Loc |
One source line of code. |
unit:Kloc |
One thousand source lines of code (KLOC). |
unit:FunctionPoint |
A function point. |
unit:UseCasePoint |
A use case point. |
unit:StoryPoint |
A story point. |
unit:IdealDay |
An ideal day. |
ems:ReliabilityMetric is the class of all reliability metrics. It is a subclass of ems:Metric. Reliability metrics quantify the correctness of software.
Table of ems:ReliabilityMetric Standard URIs
Description |
metric:Defects |
The number of defects injected into the software. |
metric:FixedDefects |
The number of defects removed from the software. |
metric:LatentDefects |
The number of defects remaining in the software. |
metric:DefectsPerEsloc |
The number of injected defects per unit ESLOC produced. |
metric:DefectsPerFunctionPoint |
The number of injected defects per function point produced. |
metric:DefectsPerUseCasePoint |
The number of injected defects per use case point produced. |
metric:Failures |
The number of failures reported. |
metric:MeanTimeToFailure |
The average time between failures (MTTF). |
Reliability Units of Measure
Table of ems:UnitOfMeasure Standard URIs for Reliability Metrics
Description |
unit:Defect |
A defect, fault, or flaw in some software artifact, usually source code. |
unit:DefectsPerKloc |
Defects per KLOC. |
unit:DefectsPerFunctionPoint |
Defects per function point. |
unit:DefectsPerUseCasePoint |
Defects per use case point. |
unit:Failure |
A observed failure in the behaviour of the software system, e.g. an error in the output. |
ems:ProductivityMetric is the class of all productivity metrics. It is a subclass of ems:Metric. Productivity metrics quantify the rate at which software is produced.
Table of ems:ProductivityMetric Standard URIs
Description |
metric:EslocPerTime |
The amount of ESLOC produced per unit time. |
metric:EslocPerEffort |
The amount of ESLOC produced per unit effort. |
metric:FunctionPointsPerTime |
The amount of function points produced per unit time. |
metric:FunctionPointsPerEffort |
The amount of function points produced per unit effort. |
metric:UseCasePointsPerTime |
The amount of use case points produced per unit time. |
metric:UseCasePointsPerEffort |
The amount of use case points produced per unit effort. |
metric:Galorath_EffectiveTechnology |
The Galorath Effective Technology. |
metric:QSM_ProductivityConstant |
The QSM Productivity Constant. |
metric:QSM_ProductivityIndex |
The QSM Productivity Index. |
metric:TeamVelocity |
The number of story points produced per iteration. |
Productivity Units of Measure
Table of ems:UnitOfMeasure Standard URIs for Productivity Metrics
Description |
unit:KlocPerMonth |
KLOC per month. |
unit:KlocPerPersonMonth |
KLOC per person-month. |
unit:FunctionPointPerMonth |
Function point per month. |
unit:FunctionPointPerPersonMonth |
Function point per person-month. |
unit:UseCasePointPerMonth |
Use case point per month. |
unit:UseCasePointPerPersonMonth |
Use case point per person-month. |
unit:Galorath |
The standard units in which the Galorath Effective Technology metric is measured. |
unit:Putnam |
The standard units in which the QSM Productivity Constant metric is measured. |
unit:StoryPointsPerIteration |
Story points per iteration. |
ems:ProcessMetric is the class of all process metrics. Process metrics measure the development process itself as opposed to the product being produced by the project. They are useful for monitoring and controlling the project.
Table of ems:ProcessMetric Standard URIs
URI Description
metric:Builds The number of attempted software builds.
metric:FailedBuilds The number of failed software builds.
metric:SuccessfulBuilds The number of successful software builds.
metric:TestCases The number of test cases.
metric:TestExecutions The number of test executions.
metric:FailedTestExecutions The number of failed test executions.
metric:SuccessfulTestExecutions The number of successful test executions.
metric:CMMI_MaturityLevelRating The CMMI maturity level rating.
Process Units of Measure
Table of ems:UnitOfMeasure Standard URIs for Process Metrics
Description |
unit:Build |
A build of the system. |
unit:TestCase |
A test case. |
unit:TestExecution |
An execution of a test case. |
unit:CMMI_Level |
A CMMI level. Integer values from 1 to 5. |
A build is a process the transforms source code into an executable system. Builds may be manual or automated, and may succeed or fail. A build attempt is successful if it produces an executable system. The frequency of successful builds is an indicator of project health.
A test case is an artifact that describes how to test some aspect of a software system. A test case specifies a sequence of inputs or actions, and their expected outputs or results. The number of test cases, the rate at which they are produced, and the coverage of the software system by test cases are useful metrics.
A test execution is a process that runs a test case on a software system. Test executions may be manual or automated, and may succeed or fail. A test execution is successful if the system system produces the expected result for the test case. The percentage and frequency of successful test executions is an indicator of project health, and may be used as an exit criterion for the testing phase.
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is process improvement approach defined by industry experts and the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). The CMMI maturity level rating is a metric that describes the quality of the software development process used by an organization on a project. This metric is measured on the following numeric scale:
CMMI Level |
Description |
1 |
Initial |
2 |
Managed |
3 |
Defined |
4 |
Quantitatively Managed |
5 |
Optimizing |
ems:FinancialMetric is the class of all financial metrics. It is a subclass of ems:Metric. Financial metrics quantify the cost, benefit, value, and investment aspects of a project.
Table of ems:FinancialMetric Standard URIs
Description |
metric:Cost |
The total cost to produce the software, including labor and all other costs. |
metric:LaborCost |
The cost of the labor used to produce the software. |
Financial Units of Measure
QUDT defines standard URIs for currency units and we will use these here rather than defining new ones. The QUDT currency units are based on the ISO 4217 standard and they are members of the class qudt:CurrencyUnit. We therefore define qudt:CurrencyUnit to be a subclass of ems:UnitOfMeasure. All ISO 4217 currencies are defined in a qudt:SystemOfUnits resource named qudt-unit:SystemOfUnits_ISO4217-Currencies. The following table lists a sample of these currency units:
Table of some qudt:Currency Standard URIs for Financial Metrics
Standard Dimensions
A dimension is an attribute that can be used to analyse a metric. Metrics are typically computed by aggregating project events and so any attribute of those events may be a useful way to analyse the metric.
For example, consider the peak staffing metric. It is computed by counting the number of people working on the project during each time period and taking the maximum of those counts. Peak staffing can therefore be analyzed by time. Furthermore, the count of all people could be broken down by their role, so peak staffing could also be analysed by role. In general, any metric may be analysed along several dimensions.
In general, zero or more dimensions may be applicable to any given metric, and a given dimension may be applicable to zero or more metrics. The following table lists standard URIs for the key dimensions:
Table of ems:Dimension Standard URIs
Description |
dimension:Time |
How the project timeline is broken down into time periods, e.g. weeks, months, years. |
dimension:Phase |
How the work of the project is broken down into phases, e.g. requirements, design, construction. |
dimension:Iteration |
How the work of the project is broken down into iterations. |
dimension:Wbs |
How the work of the project is broken down into activities, tasks, etc. |
dimension:Role |
How the kind of work people perform on the project is broken down into roles, e.g. manager, programmer, tester. |
dimension:Product |
How the product being developed is broken down into systems, subsystems, components, etc. |
dimension:ProgrammingLanguage |
The source code produced in the project is broken done by programming language, e.g. Java, C#. |
dimension:Organization |
How the people are organized into functions, departments, teams, etc. |
dimension:Location |
How the people are located geographically. |
Standard Grains
A grain defines the granularity by which a dimension is partitioned into a set of mutually exclusive bins or buckets. Any dimension may have one or more grains. The grains themselves may belong to one or more hierarchies such as the day-month-year hierarchary for calendar time.
Table of ems:Grain Standard URIs
Dimension |
Description |
grain:CalendarDay |
dimension:Time |
The set of calendar day time periods. |
grain:CalendarWeek |
dimension:Time |
The set of calendar week time periods. |
grain:CalendarMonth |
dimension:Time |
The set of calendar month time periods. |
grain:CalendarQuarter |
dimension:Time |
The set of calendar quarter time periods. |
grain:CalendarHalf |
dimension:Time |
The set of calendar half time periods. |
grain:CalendarYear |
dimension:Time |
The set of calendar year time periods. |
grain:ElapsedDay |
dimension:Time |
The set of elapsed day time periods. |
grain:ElapsedWeek |
dimension:Time |
The set of elapsed week time periods. |
grain:ElapsedMonth |
dimension:Time |
The set of elapsed month time periods. |
grain:ElapsedQuarter |
dimension:Time |
The set of elapsed quarter time periods. |
grain:ElapsedHalf |
dimension:Time |
The set of elapsed half time periods. |
grain:ElapsedYear |
dimension:Time |
The set of elapsed year time periods. |
grain:DoD_Phase |
dimension:Phase |
The set of standard US Department of Defense (!DoD) phases, e.g. Feasibility Study, High-Level Design. |
grain:RUP_Phase |
dimension:Phase |
The set of standard Rational Unified Process (RUP) phases, e.g. Inception, Elaboration. |
grain:Iteration |
dimension:Iteration |
The set of iterations. |
grain:Activity |
dimension:Wbs |
The set of activities. |
grain:Task |
dimension:Wbs |
The set of tasks. |
grain:WaterfallActivity |
dimension:Wbs |
The set of standard Waterfall activities, e.g. Requirements, Analysis. |
grain:Role |
dimension:Role |
The set of standard software project roles, e.g. Manager, Programmer, Tester. |
grain:System |
dimension:Product |
The set of systems. |
grain:Subsystem |
dimension:Product |
The set of subsystems. |
grain:Component |
dimension:Product |
The set of components. |
grain:Feature |
dimension:Product |
The set of features. |
grain:ProgrammingLanguageFamily |
dimension:ProgrammingLanguage |
The set of programming languages familites, e.g. Java, C, C++, C#, COBOL. |
grain:Department |
dimension:Organization |
The set of departments. |
grain:Team |
dimension:Organization |
The set of teams. |
grain:Continent |
dimension:Location |
The set of continents, e.g. North America, Europe, Asia. |
grain:Country |
dimension:Location |
The set of countries, e.g. Canada, USA, India, China. |
grain:City |
dimension:Location |
The set of cities, e.g. Toronto, Boston, Bangalore, Beijing. |
grain:Site |
dimension:Location |
The set of sites, i.e. the building or campus where people are located. |
grain:DoD_Phase is the class of all !DoD phases. The following table contains the standard URIs for !DoD phases:
Table of !DoD Phase URIs
Phase Name |
dimension-member:DoD_FeasibilityStudy |
Feasibility Study |
dimension-member:DoD_HighLevel Design |
High-Level Design |
dimension-member:DoD_MainBuild |
Main Build |
dimension-member:DoD_OperationMaintenance |
Operation, Maintenance |
grain:RUP_Phase is the class of all RUP phases. The following table contains the standard URIs for RUP phases:
Table of RUP Phase URIs
Phase Name |
dimension-member:RUP_Inception |
Inception |
dimension-member:RUP_Elaboration |
Elaboration |
dimension-member:RUP_Construction |
Construction |
dimension-member:RUP_Transition |
Transition |
grain:Role is the class of all standard roles. The members of this class correspond to the standard role names commonly used in software estimation tools. The following table contains the standard URIs for roles:
Table of Standard Role URIs for Dimension Members of grain:Role
Role Name |
dimension-member:Manager |
Manager |
dimension-member:Tester |
Tester |
dimension-member:RequirementsAnalyst |
Requirements Analyst |
dimension-member:ArchitectOrDesigner |
Architect/Designer |
dimension-member:Programmer |
Programmer |
dimension-member:InformationDeveloper |
Information Developer |
dimension-member:ConfigurationManager |
Configuration Manager |
dimension-member:QualityAssurer |
Quality Assurer |
dimension-member:SupportTechnician |
Support Technician |
dimension-member:Other |
Other |
The Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) is a software estimation model defined by Dr. Barry Boehm. The current version is referred to as COCOMO II.
The COCOMO II model computes project effort and duration from size. It contains several main parameters known as A, B, C, D, E, F, SF, and EM which are defined in the COCOMO II Model Definition Manual Version 2.1. SF is called the scale factor and EM is called the effort multiplier. Since these parameters are used to compute effort and duration from size, they are productivity metrics for the project.
This model is of more general interest since it provides an analysis of the scale and cost drivers that influence SF and EM. SF can therefore be broken down along the scale driver dimension and EM can be broken down along the cost driver dimension. The model defines one grain size for the scale driver dimension and it contains five scale drivers. The model defines two grains for the cost driver dimension. There is one cost driver grain for use in the early design stage and it contains seven cost drivers. There is a second, more detailed grain size for the post-architecture phase and it contains seventeen cost drivers.
Scale drivers only apply to the project as a whole, as does the required development schedule (SCED) cost driver. The other cost drivers may be further broken down by component of the system being developed.
Class |
Description |
metric:COCOMO_A |
ems:ProductivityMetric |
The COCOMO II A parameter (A). |
metric:COCOMO_B |
ems:ProductivityMetric |
The COCOMO II B parameter (B). |
metric:COCOMO_C |
ems:ProductivityMetric |
The COCOMO II C parameter (C). |
metric:COCOMO_D |
ems:ProductivityMetric |
The COCOMO II D parameter (D). |
metric:COCOMO_E |
ems:ProductivityMetric |
The COCOMO II E parameter (E). |
metric:COCOMO_F |
ems:ProductivityMetric |
The COCOMO II F parameter (F). |
metric:COCOMO_ScaleFactor |
ems:ProductivityMetric |
The COCOMO II scale factor (SF). |
metric:COCOMO_EffortMultiplier |
ems:ProductivityMetric |
The COCOMO II effort multiplier (EM). |
dimension:COCOMO_ScaleDriver |
ems:Dimension |
The COCOMO II scale driver dimension for SF. |
dimension:COCOMO_CostDriver |
ems:Dimension |
The COCOMO II cost driver dimension for EM. |
grain:COCOMO_ScaleDriver |
ems:Grain |
The COCOMO II scale driver grain. |
grain:COCOMO_EarlyDesignCostDriver |
ems:Grain |
The COCOMO II early design stage cost driver grain. |
grain:COCOMO_PostArchitectureCostDriver |
ems:Grain |
The COCOMO II post-architecture stage cost driver grain. |
SF is broken down by scale drivers and the aggregate result is the sum of the values for each scale driver.
The following table lists the members of the COCOMO scale driver dimension:
Table of Members of grain:COCOMO_ScaleDriver
Symbol |
Scale Driver Name |
dimension-member:COCOMO_Precedentedness |
Precedentedness |
dimension-member:COCOMO_DevelopmentFlexibility |
Development Flexibility |
dimension-member:COCOMO_ArchitectureOrRiskResolution |
Architecture/Risk Resolution |
dimension-member:COCOMO_TeamCohesion |
Team Cohesion |
dimension-member:COCOMO_ProcessMaturity |
Process Maturity |
EM is broken down by cost drivers and the aggregate result is the product of the values for each cost driver.
The following table lists the members of the COCOMO cost driver dimension for the early design stage:
Table of Members of grain:COCOMO_EarlyDesignCostDriver
Symbol |
Scale Driver Name |
dimension-member:COCOMO_PersonnelCapability |
Personnel Capability |
dimension-member:COCOMO_ProductReliabilityAndComplexity |
Product Reliability and Complexity |
dimension-member:COCOMO_DevelopedForReusability |
Developed for Reusability |
dimension-member:COCOMO_PlatformDifficulty |
Platform Difficulty |
dimension-member:COCOMO_PersonnelExperience |
Personnel Experience |
dimension-member:COCOMO_Facilities |
Facilities |
dimension-member:COCOMO_RequiredDevelopmentSchedule |
Required Development Schedule |
The following table lists the members of the COCOMO cost driver dimension for the post-architecture stage:
Table of Members of grain:COCOMO_PostArchitectureCostDriver
Symbol |
Scale Driver Name |
dimension-member:COCOMO_RequiredSoftwareReliability |
Required Software Reliability |
dimension-member:COCOMO_DataBaseSize |
Data Base Size |
dimension-member:COCOMO_ProductComplexity |
Product Complexity |
dimension-member:COCOMO_DevelopedForReusability |
Developed for Reusability |
dimension-member:COCOMO_DocumentationMatchToLifeCycleNeeds DOCU |
Documentation |
Match to Life-Cycle Needs |
dimension-member:COCOMO_ExecutionTimeConstraint |
Execution Time Constraint |
dimension-member:COCOMO_MainStorageConstraint |
Main Storage Constraint |
dimension-member:COCOMO_PlatformVolatility |
Platform Volatility |
dimension-member:COCOMO_AnalystCapability |
Analyst Capability |
dimension-member:COCOMO_ProgrammerCapability |
Programmer Capability |
dimension-member:COCOMO_PersonnelCapaility |
Personnel Capaility |
dimension-member:COCOMO_ApplicationsExperience |
Applications Experience |
dimension-member:COCOMO_PlatformExperience |
Platform Experience |
dimension-member:COCOMO_LanguageAndToolExperience |
Language and Tool Experience |
dimension-member:COCOMO_UseOfSoftwareTools |
Use of Software Tools |
dimension-member:COCOMO_MultisiteDevelopment |
Multisite Development |
dimension-member:COCOMO_RequiredDevelopmentSchedule |
Required Development Schedule |
- Cohn2006, Mike Cohn, Prentice Hall, 2006
- Collaris2009, Remi-Armand Collaris and Eef Dekker, IBM developerWorks, 2009
- Galorath2006, Daniel D. Galorath and Michael W. Evans, Auerbach Publications, 2006
- Krutchen2003, Philippe Krutchen, Addison-Wesley, 2003
- ISO4217
- Putnam2003, Lawrence H. Putnam and Ware Meyers, Dorset House, 2003
- QUDT2010, James Masters, Ralph Hodgson, and Paul J. Keller, NASA and !TopQuadrant, 2010
Category:Rest API main topics