“From “outside” the 2.1 draft looks very good, but gets increasingly harder to grasp. I’m a bit concerned that both the automation specification and OSLC as a whole is growing at a speed and in a form, where the original goal of simplicity and sticking to what is necessary for or needed by most applications, is not fulfilled anymore.” - Email 9th May. Response 14th May.
Discussed previously that it might be good to be seen to accept the suggestion. Does anyone have time to work on it?
Workgroup business
Next meeting 26th June (Martin away 19th June)
Actions from previous meetings
John - To talk to people in Tivoli for SM about interest in Availability spec.
Tim, Martin, John, Steve
Resolutions passed
Approved minutes of meeting on 2014-05-15.
Minor wording correction in Actions 2.0 specification.
SS will have a look if he finds time
Suggestions: Not taking too many words. Starting with simple examples.
Proposal: “This interaction pattern consists of the consumer displaying a delegated UI dialog to a user for them to perform the action immediately, and waiting for the action to be completed or canceled before returning to the consumer.” - MP
No objections
Availablity: - Tim working on it. Hope to deliver something in the next few days.
JA: Suggested we have fewer meetings. Hold the slot, and only have the meeting if there is anything that we know to discuss the day before.
Progress indication:
People don’t have time to work on it right now.
As Availablity is delayed, we could ask Rupert if he now or in the near/mid-term future would be available to join the WG to roll it together with Availablity review cycles, etc.