- [discussion] Introductions
- Who you are
- What you hope to get out of the Steering Committee
About the OSLC Steering Committee (StC)
- [review] Communication channels available today – Steve Speicher
- [vote] What should be the frequency of StC meetings?
- proposal: monthly 1 hour teleconf (not written in stone, can adjust going forward as needed)
[review, discussion] For what kind of StC initiatives will the StC members take responsibility for executing? - Kartik Kanakasabesan
- The relationships between the StC existing workgroups, especially Core and Communications
- The roles and responsibilities of the StC members

[preview] Should future elections be staggered? (e.g. only 1/2 of positions up for election at a time)
- Current proposal to have 2 year initial terms and then 1 year terms, elections all at once following the Eclipse model
- OSLC’s openness
- Driving to the vision
- [review] The current vision and present state – Kartik Kanakasabesan

- [review] OSLC Community Survey results – Sean Kennedy
- [discussion] Given the vision, what is the next milestone to get OSLC closer to it?
- e.g. increasing implementations, increasing adoption into PLM and DevOps
- [discussion] Should we launch an “OSLC assessment” study in order to analyze the current performance of OSLC? – Andreas Keis
- [discussion] Should the StC issue a statement asserting support of an open and transparent process and the path towards specification standardization at appropriate standard bodies? - Rainer Ersch
- OSLC Manifesto as a starting point?, something simpler?, something more specific?
- OSLC Community business
- [preview] Rechartering of SCM to be Configuration Management - review, prior to decision - Steve Speicher
- [preview] Driving scenarios into domain workgroups and helping close the loop between finalized specifications and the scenarios they solve – Sean Kennedy
- Open discussion and future agenda topics
- Steering Committee Backlog
- [preview] Do we need additional officers within the StC? (beyond the chair) Should there be a separate election for those officers?
- Current proposal only has chair. Only other proposals are: facilitator (non-StC member?), secretary, …
- [discussion] WPA: can it be signed as an individual? – Rainer Ersch
Category of topics:
- [preview] - expect to decide later
- [review] - only review topic
- [vote] - vote or decision planned
- [discussion] - look to seek feedback from StC on recommended direction
Names beside topics are to present information to the group for review or preview, or to kick-off discussion.
Where: OSLC suite at the Swan (suite number will be emailed to the Steering Committee)
When: Sunday, June 3, 4-6 PM
Category:Meeting agendas