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SCM Workgroup - May 22 2012 - Status and Way Forward

It has been a long time since our last workgroup meeting, and while the spec has still not been finalized, there have been several developments in the configuration management space and some new requirements from other OSLC domain including the PLM-ALM workgroup.

Nick will atempt to explain to the workgroup why the spec has not progressed to finalization, some of the reasons for the lack of adoption, and how we might address those issues by broadening the potential audience while at the same time lowering the cost of adoption by simplifying the spec. After this initial discussion, we intend to commence a new stage in the life of the workgroup, resuming regular meetings as we work on a revised spec. For this reason, please also consider what times would work for you in the future. If you are unable to attend but you are still interested in the future of OSLC SCM, please nominate a substitute.

Attached is a presentation covering the current state of OSLC SCM, and describing a possible way forward.

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
pdfpdf OSLC_Configuration_Management.pdf manage 810.9 K 22 May 2012 - 08:07 NickCrossley OSLC SCM Status and Way Forward May 2012 - PDF
elsepptx OSLC_Configuration_Management.pptx manage 431.3 K 22 May 2012 - 08:06 NickCrossley OSLC SCM Status and Way Forward May 2012 - Powerpoint pptx format
Topic revision: r1 - 22 May 2012 - 08:08:22 - NickCrossley
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