Table of Content of the OSLC Vision paper
[example:] this is just an example how the TOC could look like - layout and content: to be discussed
1. Vision <J.A.,J.W.>
2. Organizational Topics
2.1 What belongs to OSLC <author>
[=> ref to topic page]
relationship between, OASIS-OSLC, Eclipse Lyo, Codeplex, GitHub OSLC and others
what stays on what will go to OASIS-OSLC
3. Technical Topics
will they stay? should everything be based on CORE?
should OSLC be used in IoT target systems?
4. FAQ
How can I contribute?
Will OSLC become an ISO standard?
9. topic
9.1 subtopic
9. topic
9.1 subtopic
sub line
9. topic
9.1 subtopic
- sub line
Andreas Keis
Bola Rotibi
Jim Amsden
Rainer Ersch
N. N.
N. N.
work in progress
ready for review
approved by StC
OSLC Vision Topic Template:
link to the template