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Operations on Configurations

A configuration provider MUST support the following operations on configuration items (versioned concept resources):

  • HEAD: Retrieve information including the version resource URI (if any) about the state of a specified versioned concept resource in the context of a specified configuration.
  • GET: Retrieve the state of a specified versioned concept resource in the context of a specified configuration, where this operation returns zero or one version resources matching the required state.
  • PUT: Update the state of a specified versioned concept resource in a specified stream; this operation might or might not cause the creation of a new version of the resource.
  • POST: Create the first version of a new concept resource in a specified stream
  • DELETE: Delete the current mutable version resource in a specified stream

A configuration provider MUST support the following operations on configurations:

  • GET: Retrieve the current state of the configuration.
  • POST: Create a new stream (a mutable configuration) corresponding to a given configuration specification.
  • POST: Create a new stream from a baseline.
  • DELETE a configuration; providers MAY refuse to delete configurations that are part of or referenced by existing baselines.
  • Obtain a baseline representing the current state of a stream; this operation MAY create a new baseline resource, or MAY return an existing baseline if one exists and corresponds to the current state of the stream.

A configuration provider MAY support the following operations on configurations:

  • Provide notification of changes to a configuration
  • Compare a configuration with another configuration; result format TBD.
  • Update a stream to correspond to a specified baseline; this is logically equivalent to deleting the stream and recreated it from the given baseline, but may be more efficient.
  • Merge a configuration into a stream; this operation updates the configuration to contain the latest revision of each concept resource in either of the two input configurations; handling of configuration specs and conflicts TBD.

A Global Configuration is a configuration with the following additional properties:

  • A Global Configuration MUST also be a linked data platform container
  • The members of the container MUST be configurations
  • Global configurations are created, updated, and deleted following the standard rules for LDP containers
  • The set of member configurations MUST be disjoint configurations, in that two configurations that are members of the same global configuration MUST NOT identify any versions of the same concept resource