(Migrated from the legacy wiki. Source document.)
Please add to this list of events that you think that OSLC could / should be represented at. If you could include some brief info about the event, an event URL for more info and the type of presence that you think the OSLC community should have (i.e. speaking slot, booth - probably associated with a participating vendor rather than OSLC only, materials distributed, etc.) then that would be very helpful when we come to decide which events to focus on.
- IBM Pulse 2012 - Las Vegas - March 4-7 - www.ibm.com/pulse - IBM’s service management event - OSLC information being prepared to be distributed to speakers, discussions about inclusion in keynotes, possible track sessions.
- Embedded World 2012 - Nuremburg - Feb 28-Mar 1 - http://www.embedded-world.de/en/
- Artemis Technology Conference at Embedded World 2012 - Nuremburg - Mar 1 - systems engineering interoperability: http://open-services.net/blog/call-for-contributions-for-artemis-technology-conference-2012/
- IBM Innovate 2012 - Orlando - Jun 3-7 -www.ibm.com/innovate - IBM’s systems and software delivery event - OSLC event like last year’s BoF, track sessions, demos, etc.
- EclipseCon - Reston,VA - March 26 - 29 - www.eclipsecon.org - opportunity to build developer community around the Lyo project
- INCOSE Symposium - Rome, Italy - Jul 9-12 - www.incose.org/symp2012/ - premier Systems Engineering community event - OSLC could be featured by participating orgs and vendors. If there’s any interoperability discussions then OSLC should be included