OSLC Communications User Group October 11, 2016
IBM CE Summit (November 15-17, http://open-services.net/wiki/communications/ICE2016/) - Update on F2F Stc meeting (Jane), reception (Jane/Kalena), banner (Jane), and Conference presentation (Rainer)
Plans to promote the reception and conference presentation
Vision Statement (http://open-services.net/wiki/steering-committee/Vision/) - OSLC Vision and accompanying Executive Overview are now available. How do we want to communicate this to the general community and make it actionable? (Rainer)
Scorecard (http://open-services.net/wiki/communications/MonthlyCommunicationScorecard/) - What are the appropriate set of metrics we should focus on? (Kalena)
Need to create a weekly schedule for information to be updated on the OSLC community, linkedin, and twitter feeds
Other 2016 Events (http://open-services.net/wiki/communications/2016Events/) - Other events that are upcoming that we need to take action on?
OSLC Community Clean Up (Bill)