Time: 11:00AM Eastern US
Main agenda items:
Specification issues
- Automation Specification Version 2.0 Issues
- After-finalization #4: OPEN - The OSLC Automation terms “Plans”, “Requests” and “Results” are not always suitable for display to all users, as they would not be aware of their OSLC meanings. There is no guidance on what wording to use when presenting these to users. The separate sub-domains might have different terminology that is appropriate.
- 22 Aug 2013 - Proposal for Automation terminology guidance
Implementation updates
- Open forum for implementers to provide updates
- Summarize any new implementation reports
- Identify new issues to open in Core and Automation
- Review 22 August minutes
- Automation V3
- Workgroup business
- Next meeting: 5 September at 11AM Eastern US
Attending: Michael Fiedler, Umberto Caselli, Steve Speicher, Steven Rowles, Martin Pain, John Arwe, Charles Rankin
- Terminology issue - preference for including in an existing document.
- Hudson/Jenkins implementation - still in plan, currently on the backburner
Scenario discussions