HistoryViewLinks to this page 2012 October 15 | 12:01 pm

Date: Monday, 15th October 2012

Time: 11:00 AM Eastern, 8:00 AM Pacific, 5:00 PM Zurich (contact RainerE or GrayBachelor if you’d like to participate)

Chair: Rainer Ersch


  1. Welcome

  2. ALM-PLM Interoperability scenario Cfg Mngmnt for the Create product scenario (Follow on to discussions of last 2 weeks on the Configuration Management needs within the scenarios to provide input to the Cfg Management WG Minutes of 081012 with its conclusions

  3. Feedback from Cfg Management WG

  4. Wiki migration (no update this week)

  5. Any other business

  6. Date of the next meeting is tentatively proposed as 29th October.

  7. Summary and close

Today’s workings:

Apologies: None received to date

Attendees: Rainer, Gray, Mike L, Steve, David, Nick, Amit

Item 2: We noted that our scenario assumed application of the Core extension and Product definition specs. Note we base our discussion upon our existing conclusions on configuration management and the Product Creation scenario

Coding and classification could apply to any resource - not only products.

Missing explicit capability to add parameters which drive the composition, family and context. Its implied in Capability 3: We decided to call out the specific criteria as “Variant and effectivity parameters”.

It may be possible to show example of PLMXML variant expression build up and usage (ref Mike)

The conclusion was that the 6 capability stood up pretty well against the needs of the scenario. We will summarise the walk through in a separate page (ref Gray)

Item 3:

We will review the initial Cfg Management document when available (ref Nick).

Item 4: No update.

Item 5: No update.

Item 6: October 29th is scheduled, we will review progress at the meeting. Then depending on availability set a date for detailed working meeting.

Noting the plan for an OSLC meeting Oct 22nd London (ref Rainer).