HistoryViewLinks to this page 2013 February 11 | 01:03 pm

Chair: Mike Loeffler

Topic: Workshare with the Configuration Management WG and Draft Specification convergence

Attendees: Gray Bachelor, Mike Fiedler, David Honey


Apologies: Nick Crossley

Last meeting: Feb 4th 2013

Today’s topics:

1) Alignment and workshare with the Cfg Mngmnt WG

Last weeks CM meeting was cancelled, so no report back today.

Proposed workshare.

General concepts:

versioning > CM WG to take the lead e.g. resource behaviour - role of base resource and version resourcess

provenance > OSLC should follow W3C proposals

containment > OSLC should follow Linked Data Platform Container (ex Basic profile container)

context > CM WG to lead as a configuration specification (parameters/dimensions and values)

baseline > CM WG

Note: Current CM WG proposal for configuration (a collection of versioned resources) does not imply structuring

ALM-PLM Interoperability concepts

provenance > evaluate or make recommendations on sufficiency of the W3C provenance > Proposal to review in another meeting

containment > evaluate or make recommendations on sufficiency of the W3C BPC/LDPC

product structure > ALMPLMWG take the lead e..g view, hasview, haspart This is for the the product structure and association of other resources with product resources

Note: 1) For later the product lifecycle code state or workflow to support state change is implied in our main scenario but not address by vocabulary proposals.

2) Management of context is likely to align to the Change Management WG and so is a future topic

ACTION: Take forward to CM. Ask if additional ALM-PLM input is needed to assist the CM WG draft review.

2) Open house discussions Postpone to next week.

3) INCOSE discussion Discussion on collaboration started.

4) Mike’s new RDF/Turtle examples Attached Example 3 aims to adopt more of the ISO10303 namespace definitions. These are not available from a vocabulary supplier today. there has been recent advancement of the PLCS spec to extend to RDF. Seek to align and adopt.

5) Spec convergence vocabulary No additional work this week

For our next meeting

Focus here on provenance, containment, continuing the vocabulary for structure.