HistoryViewLinks to this page 2012 October 9 | 03:52 am

Date: Monday, 8th October 2012

Time: 11:00 AM Eastern, 8:00 AM Pacific, 5:00 PM Zurich (contact RainerE or GrayBachelor if you’d like to participate)

Chair: Rainer Ersch


  1. Welcome

  2. Update ALM-PLM Interoperability scenario Cfg Mngmnt needs from discussion 1/10/12, Minute of Meeting011012/, Working material

  3. Feedback from Cfg Management WG

  4. Wiki migration

  5. Any other business

  6. Date of the next meeting is 15th October 2012.

  7. Summary and close

Today’s workings:

Apologies: Steve Speicher, Mike Fiedler

Last meeting there was a request to rework Capability 5 to reflect a more general case of application of business rules

ORIGINAL: CM capability 5: Ability to reserve the next version of a thing or a configuration from some baseline and associate with an activity, as a model or target configuration

PROPOSAL 1: CM capability 5: Ability to apply business rules to a configuration or at some point in a configured structure such as update control (e.g. checkout, checkin) or associate with an activity (e.g. Change Request) as a target configuration


Creation/identification of a revision is separate/distinct from the application of the business rules

Apply includes linking to another resource or imposed e.g. through meta-data such as for status, approvals, life cycle codes

In addition that 2 case are seen in practices: - creation of a new base resource representing the new revision - creation of a new resource with isVersionOf an existing base resource There is an intention the reference to the recommendations of the Provenance WG of W3

The sequence and means of creation is not mandated.


PROPOSAL 2: A versioning provider MAY provide a mechanism to gain permission to start modifying a versioned object, and this MAY result in the versioning provider providing a unique identifier and/or creating a new version of the resource.

Moved to the CM WG discussion on evolving the Cfg Mngmnt Spec

WIKI transfer Due to the overhead for updating links it is necessary to limit the pages to transfer.

The proposal is to move the Draft Specs (Core extensions, Product definitions), Scenarios and Reference Model (V1.3) and their main associated pages and attachments.

We would not move past meeting minutes or older reference models.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS There is one more scenario of Product Creation that we can use to validate further on October 15th.

29th October has been identified as a tentative meeting.