HistoryViewLinks to this page Revision from: 2013 January 28 | 11:35 am
This is the revision from 2013 January 28 at 11:35 amView the current live version of the article.

The convergence topics are currently grouped under

  1. Product resource

  2. Identification of revision through versioning of any resource

Currently to be handled with the OSLC Configuration Management Workgroup

  1. Defining structure e.g. Product structure

  2. Compositional variation

  3. Other capabilities e.g. extension of resource vocabularies

  4. Application towards the scenario

i) Create product

ii) Create product structure

iii) Create associated structures of product models and Requirements using OSLC AM and RM resource

iv) Associating products with change requests

v) Assigning product context to other OSLC resources