This is meant to be the one-stop shop for info related to OSLC Connect event(s) in 2014 for the OSLC Steering Committee.
Agreed upon documents and decisions.
Roles and Responsibilities
Approved at the September 2013 OSLC Steering Committee meeting.
Who is responsible for doing what, when, and understanding of financial considerations. E.g.: structure, dates, venue selection, program content, social activities, budget and finance etc. In an effort to ensure consistency and consensus defining the players involved should happen now.
Point of Contact (PoC)
The person(s) responsible for overseeing all event related activities. This individual will serve as the event communication director and will provide a communication schedule that will ensure all parties involved stay informed throughout the planning process.
To be nominated from within the Planning Committee.
Executive Committee
Provides guidance and feedback on the event pre-planning aspects such as: community assessment, defining goals and objectives, determining the target audience, as well as evaluate dates and venue options. Other items may be tasked to this committee during the planning process by the PoC and/or Planning Committee.
The Executive Committee is the OSLC Steering Committee.
Planning Committee (PC)
Provide guidance and feedback on the event pre-planning items as noted above. In addition, the PC will be tasked with several duties during the implementation portion of the event planning. These duties may include: program development, speaker outreach, marketing and promotion, etc.
To ensure a wide range of information sharing during the planning stages, membership in the PC be by invitation. Invitation recommendations will be reviewed prior to distribution and may include one or two members of the OSLC Steering Committee.
Organizational Support
OASIS will provide staff support to help the Member Section and PoC implement the event. This contact will report directly to the PoC and will support all the different parties, as needed. To include: community assessment, defining goals and objectives, determining the target audience, dates and location options, negotiation, program development, facility coordination, preparation of materials, promotion, speaker and participant liaison services, as well as a full range of onsite support services, financial processing, compilation of event proceedings, etc.
Initial Direction for the OSLC Connect Planning Committee
Discussed in a special OSLC Steering Committee meeting on October 7. Approved at the October 22 “regular” Steering Committee meeting.
Goals and Target Audience
The major goals of OSLC Connect are:
- Build brand awareness of OSLC as an integration technology
- Facilitate the sharing of information from experienced OSLC community members to potential OSLC community members
- where “community member” is loosely defined to include:
- those who participate in spec creation
- those who create implementations
- those who use implementations
- Target Audience: “potential OSLC community members”
- note: decision makers should be prioritized over technical implementers, i.e. business and technical leaders are more important targets than developers
- Demonstrate a growing interest in OSLC and provide value to attendees
OSLC Connect, to start with, should be implemented as an “add-on” to select existing conferences (it could be promoted to it’s own event in the future, but only once we know what’s needed to be successful). “Add-on” means that there are several OSLC talks (because there were spots reserved, potentially across multiple tracks, for OSLC talks), that there may be a special OSLC-related keynote, that there could be some special session(s), etc., built into the conference agenda. To make that happen, we’ll need partner with the conference organizers to coordinate and promote.
There are two events we should investigate targeting for 2014 (depending, we could do one, both, or neither):
- ALM Forum (early April)
- Mik Kerstan is a track chair and has made the conference chairman aware of potential outreach
- EclipseCon Europe (assume late October again)
- should reopen the conversation Jane Harnad and Sean Kennedy had with Ralph Mueller in the Spring
- the October event is the one the Steering Committee is interested in (due to timing), but the June event in Toulouse can be considered too
The Steering Committee will consider suggestions for other events that the Planning Committee (or any Member Section member) may propose.
Action Items
- The Planning Committee should engage the organizers of the ALM Forum and EclipseCon Europe conferences to begin discussions on integrating OSLC Connect with those conferences.
- The Planning Committee should update the Steering Committee regularly on their progress.
Active Discussions and Proposals
In progress discussions and unapproved proposals.
Links to background information.
- Discussion document prepared by Jane Harnad of OASIS Staff for the September 2013 Steering Committee meeting. The Roles and Responsibilities in this document were adopted at that meeting.