Since version 1.0, OSLC RM introduced the “ValidatedBy” link type. It represents the relationship between requirement and the test resources who are validating it.
What’s “Validate” anyway?
First, let’s talk about Validation and Verification (V&V) in Quality Management Domain.
The IEEE defines validation and verification for engineered hardware and software systems as follows (IEEE-610):
**Verification** is the process of evaluating a system or component, to determine whether the products of a given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase.
**Validation** is the process of evaluating a system or component during or at the end of the development process, to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements.
Lake (Lake, J., V & V in Plain English, INCOSE, Brighton, UK, June 1999.) explains the formal definition and intuitive meaning of V&V in system engineering (see Figure 1.3):
Verification is the process of evaluating a system to determine whether the products of a given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase.
Validation is the process of evaluating a system to determine whether it satisfies the stakeholders of that system.
OSLC Specification did not bring in both Validation and Verification concept, Validate is kind of a mix term for V&V. It is helping us to answer the question: “Are we building the right thing in the right way?”.
Which Resources are we Validating?
Who is validating whom: