Removal of,moduleType,serverType URIs
WG does not own these namespaces
These URIs were meant for categorization of resources ServiceInstance, SoftwareServer, SoftwareModule but should be applicable to every resources, not restricted to only one resource type. Thus, no need for the additional qualifier in the namespace string
Addition of OperatingSystem, Tablespace to vocabulary
needed by some Tivoli group to report status on e.g. health metrics on databases.
no need for reconciliation
If Marek Smet or Marcin Luczynski attends, proposal for new URIs to further classify Database, ComputerSystem, SoftwareServer resources
Attendees: Joe Ross, John Arwe , Tuan Dang
All agreed that URIs formatted like will be dropped from the spec
All agreed that OperatingSystem and Tablespace will be added to the crtv vocabulary
Marek/Marcin were unable to attend so we will postpose the discussion for addition of new URIs to a later call. Marek might send the proposal via the mailing list at some point.