What is a ‘resource registry’ can this term be defined better?
Resolution: Julie updated spec with a definition
Typos in query support section.
“The Query Capability MUST the oslc:where parameter and SHOULD support the oslc:select parameter:” This sentence ends with a colon. missing a word between ‘MUST’ and ‘the’. Query parameters have dots not colons in them (oslc:where should be oslc.where). The oslc.prefix MUST supported if the full syntax of the oslc.where is (required when specifying properties, full URI can not be used).
Resolution: Julie fixed the typos
If other query syntaxes are supported, how does the client know what they are? The OSLC Core provides no guidance on query syntax other than simple query. There are a number of things a PerfMon provider may do, not sure it is worth listing all. Recommend getting rid of that MAY section altogether.
Resolution: Julie removed the MAY section
This spec depends on other specifications that have not finalized (ESM and Recon). Either coordinate the finalization with or after the dependent specs, or remove the dependency on these specs.
Resolution: Still open
Why does spec guidance provide prefix suggestions for other domains? It may be appropriate to suggest a prefix for the perfmon domain, but not others. It is expected define prefixes that are used throughout the rest of the spec, but not so suggest that others use them.
The namespaces section should look more like the other specs and just state: “In addition to the namespace URIs and namespace prefixes defined in the OSLC Core specification, OSLC Performance Monitoring defines the namespace URI of http://open-services.net/ns/perfmon# with a namespace prefix of pm.”
Resolution: Still open
dcterms:isPartOf has an occurs value of “one-or-one”. Should this be exactly-one?
Resolution: Julie changed to “exactly-one”
In the samples Turtle is used. Turtle is never even mentioned in the specification. Recommend either include turtle as a MAY representation in the spec, or remove it from the samples.
Resolution: None yet
Reporting-Issues-on-the-Specification The Issues link is to a non-existent page.
Resolution: Julie added an Issues page
In the sample the property dcterms:date is used, and in the spec it is specified as xsd:dateTime. In the sample it is not typed, and looks like a string.
Resolution: None yet
Contributors Commas between the contributors names. Or does Janet have a lot of middle names?
Reslution: Julie fixed the formatting
Resolution: Julie added text to clarify this section
Appendix-B.3A-Resource-Shapes Shapes appendix is empty.
Resolution: Julie to add resource shape examples
Intellectual-Property-Covenant The patent non-assert document is missing or unlinked
Resolution: Julie to email Steve or Lee R. for document and add it
Common Resource Type Vocabulary is not a recommended or good name. It overloads the term “resource”, will raise separately with Recon WG. We should not propagate this name but work with them to resolve it.
Resolution: N/A
PMR is used but never defined. Mixture of casing of such as PerformandMonitoringRecord (no prefix) , etc suggest consistently referring to the resource or the class name
Resolution: Julie udpated all instances to be consistently PerformanceMonitoringRecord
Mixture of formatting issues: MUST/MAY/SHOULD not always BOLD, etc
Resolution: Julie fixed formatting
Intro mentions IT, be good to define the acronym for completeness
Resolution: Julie spelled out acronym
Why are last 2 of 4 scenarios in table have no data in table? http://open-services.net/wiki/performance-monitoring/Performance-Monitoring-Scenarios/#Current-Iteration-Scenarios
Resolution: None yet
http://open-services.net/wiki/performance-monitoring/Scenario-Coverage-Report/ missing business goal like other scenarios (or some intro upfront text)
Resolution: None yet
#Terminology definition of PMR is quite thin, be good to pull up some of the text from the more detailed PMR definition like “This could be numeric metrics, status, or some other kind of property of interest to monitoring consumers.”
Resolution: Julie added more text to definition
Resolution: Julie clarified text
Resource-Definitions 1st paragraph is redundant with 2nd to last in the context of “Providers MAY define additional provider-specific properties; providersSHOULD use their own namespaces for such properties, or use standard Dublin Core or RDF namespaces and properties where appropriate.”. Recommend removing 1st paragraph.
Resolution: Julie removed first paragraph
rdf:type – at least should include perfmon:PerformanceMonitoringRecord, right?
Resolution: None yet
ems:observes – read the description a couple times and still not sure I get it.
…about a resource “EMS” – what is resource EMS?
…MAY be of any type Core – what does it mean to be of any type Core?
When it refers to “the resource” talking about the subject or object resource?
Resolution: Julie clarified on the phone
Resolution: None yet
Metric-Categories consider Turtle example. Also RDFS is used and not defined.
Resolution: None yet
pm:mobilityEnabled – the description had me wanting more. I’m mobile, would I be a valid value for this property? Not sure what “move about dynamically” means
Resolution: Julie added example of virtual machine to the spec
pm:availabilityStatus – “All values present MUST be semantically compatible” how do I know if I do or don’t conform to this?
Resolution: Julie changed the MUST to SHOULD