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Integration Scenarios

The integration scenarios listed here are designed to show how information in a project containing human factors could be exchanged with an OSLC based mechanism. They stem primarily from work currently being done in the HoliDes Project. Their purpose is to drive the definition of concepts that would be useful with a Human Factors OSLC specification.

1) HF Integrating evaluation activities

In this scenario, the user wishes to have incorporate evaluation work performed by a human factors domain expect into their architectural model. During the evaluation and testing phase of a system or product, a series of test would be defined, implemented and then reported on. The results of those tests would then be fed back to the developers so change requests, bug fixes and feature enhancements could be planned and executed.

In this integration scenario there are 3 proposed resources available to perform the task of evaluation.

1) Evaluation Plan An evaluation plan is a container resource. It’s purpose is to house a collection of evaluation items.

2) Evaluation Item An evaluation item contains a description of the test which is to be carried out. For example, “Are icons of a consistent theme used throughout the navigation display?” or “How easily can the user rectify a mistake after selecting an incorrect holding pattern?”

Note, evaluation items can be subjective text descriptions.

3) Evaluation Report An evaluation report resource contains the written results from tests based on the evaluation item. From the first example above, the report might contain something like. “The icons were not consistent throughout the navigation menu. The save icon one the first page displayed the word “save” yet on the third page, a floppy disk icon was used.

With these resources the humans factors domain expert would navigate the architectural and create evaluation items and link them to appropriate parts of the system design. This level of integration would give good visibility to those conducting trials. Such an integration would greatly assist in demonstrating trace-ability between human factors work and the architectural design.

2) HF Integrating of certification standards
