HistoryViewLinks to this page Revision from: 2013 June 27 | 05:52 pm
This is the revision from 2013 June 27 at 05:52 pmView the current live version of the article.

The purpose of this page is to provide a single index of all the vocabulary documents on OSLC website. In the future, this may be replaced with something auto-generated. Not all these vocabularies are from finalized or finalizing specifications, in other words some are still under development and may change. Consult the corresponding specification to learn about its status. The process by which the domain namespaces are mapped to the RDF Schema and HTML documents is documented here.

Vocabularies and Specifications

Spec Namespace RDF Schema HTML
Core 2.0 http://open-services.net/ns/core# core.rdf OslcCoreVocabulary
CM 2.0 http://open-services.net/ns/cm# cm.rdf CmVocabulary
QM 2.0 http://open-services.net/ns/qm# qm.rdf QmVocabulary
RM 2.0 http://open-services.net/ns/rm# rm.rdf RmVocabulary
AM 2.0 http://open-services.net/ns/am# am.rdf AmVocabulary
Asset 2.0 http://open-services.net/ns/asset# asset.rdf AssetVocabulary
Automation 2.0 http://open-services.net/ns/auto# auto.rdf AutomationVocabulary
PerfMon 2.0 http://open-services.net/ns/perfmon# perfmon.rdf PmVocabulary
Estimation and Metrics 1.0 for PerfMon 2.0 http://open-services.net/ns/metrics# ems.rdf EmsVocabulary
Recon 2.0 http://open-services.net/ns/crtv# reconciliation.xml Common IT Resource Type Vocabulary


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