HistoryViewLinks to this page Revision from: 2013 April 23 | 05:12 pm
This is the revision from 2013 April 23 at 05:12 pmView the current live version of the article.

General Remarks

It is useful to have a standard way refer to specification versions, as well as a set of short names that don’t collide, and aren’t ambiguous (e.g. what do you mean when you say “CM”). While we won’t chance the namespaces that the specs use, we can standardize textual references to them, and make sure we don’t have ambiguity in those names.

Workgroup and Version References

Workgroup: [OSLC] [$wg_shortname | $wg_spoken_shortname] workgroup

e.g.: “OSLC ChangeMgmt workgroup”, “the Change workgroup”

Version: OSLC [$wg_shortname | $wg_spoken_shortname] Version

e.g.: “OSLC ChangeMgmt 2.0” or “OSLC Change 2.0”

Naming Overview


wg_longname wg_shortname wg_spoken_shortname
Core Core Core
ALM-PLM Interoperability ALM-PLM ALM-PLM, PLM, ALM-PLM Interop
Configuration Management ConfigMgmt Config, Configuration
Architecture Management ArchMgmt Arch, Architecture
Asset Management AssetMgmt Asset
Automation Auto Auto, Automation
Change Management ChangeMgmt Change
Estimation and Measurement EMS EMS, Estimation
Performance Monitoring PerfMon PerfMon, Performance
Quality Management QualityMgmt Quality
Reconciliation Reconcile Reconcile, Reconciliation
Requirements Management ReqsMgmt Reqs, Requirements

User Groups and Steering Committee

ug_longname ug_shortname ug_spoken_shortname
Steering Committee StC StC
Communications Comms Comms
Embedded Systems ES ES