HistoryViewLinks to this page Revision from: 2012 August 16 | 12:55 pm
This is the revision from 2012 August 16 at 12:55 pmView the current live version of the article.

Confirmed webcasts

Proposed webcasts

Completed webcasts

(There’s also a listing of all the webcasts, including videos, [on this page][4].)


For the OSLC Community:

  1. To provide a forum for OSLC Community Members to share their experiences and successes;
  2. To show off their work; and
  3. To connect with other OSLC Community Members to begin another round of creative collaboration.

For the Broader Techincal and Business Community:

  1. To learn about interesting and useful new technologies enabled by OSLC;
  2. To gain a better understanding of the posibilities of OSLC by seeing its current reality; and
  3. To provide a (virtual) face-to-face forum for connecting with the OSLC Community.


