HistoryViewLinks to this page Revision from: 2016 July 12 | 03:06 pm
This is the revision from 2016 July 12 at 03:06 pmView the current live version of the article.

OSLC Communications User Group July 12, 2016


  • IBM CE Summit (November 15-17, http://open-services.net/wiki/communications/ICE2016/). Close loop on StC vote and understand future steps needed to realize our participation (w. Jane)
  • I took over setting up the standing meeting and working on the agenda for this month’s meeting. With Kalena stepping in for Ginny, perhaps she can take ownership of that back moving forward?? Should discuss that.
  • Vision Statement. Should review this. I linked this to our Activities and Open Tasks section () as a generator of new ideas for activities we might want to consider from a communications and engagement standpoint. Suggest proactive ways to communicate the vision and make it actionable ?
  • Other 2016 Events - http://open-services.net/wiki/communications/2016Events/ . Other events that are upcoming that we need to take action on?


  • IBM CE Conference Presentation. Rainer wants us to talk about what has generally been happening, what is going on with the existing specifications, our future plans and vision for OSLC, but to make this interactive or perhaps in the format of a panel as we did earlier in Orlando so that we have StC members more easily mingle and talk with everyone during the presentation time.

  • IBM CE Conference Exhibit Space. Ideally, we’d like our OSLC booth to be co-located near the Tasktop and Mentor Graphics booths. Beth and Bill will request that on their sides. Beth and Bill can then help with the OSLC-specific information as well at our booth.

  • IBM CE Conference meeting and get together. We could have a Steering Committee F2F at any time. But the reception is the more important option here. We suggested doing this on the night of the 15th or 16th, but the former might be better. Have immediately after the Wine/Chocolate pairing or even start a little early before that event ends.

  • open-services.net. We still need to clean up content out there. We can do this in conjunction with moving the specifications over to the Domains TC at the OASIS OSLC MS and removing specification work pages that are out there. Also, the participation section as a minimum needs to be addressed soon as this causes confusion. Those pages are not up to date. Bill had already started updating the Questions area.


  • Mark: Ask Kalena to talk to Ginny about what she was doing and managing and figure out if this is a direct handoff to Kalena (OSLC Scorecard, wiki page updates, modifications to improve open-services.net pages and keep them up to date, direct and organize regular Comm team meetings, etc.
  • Rainer: Will talk with Bola about ways she might be able to help spread or advertise the new OSLC Vision statement once Jim has this in a relatively stable state.
  • Mark : Email Michelle and Kalena to find out what we have to provide and by when in order to reserve our presentation spot at the CE Conference. Then coordinate with Rainer to provide the required information.
  • Mark : Ask Michelle/Kalena to help us request space in nearby booths with Mentor Graphics and Tasktop for the conference. Don’t need much space. Ask Jane to send the banners we used last time.
  • Mark : Request Kalena to help us get a reception set up during the CE conference. And a time for the F2F meeting. What evenings are good options?
  • Bill : Go back to the Questions area on open-services.net and work on updating that area.