HistoryViewLinks to this page Revision from: 2012 September 9 | 10:47 am
This is the revision from 2012 September 9 at 10:47 amView the current live version of the article.




  1. discuss the draft workgroup charter
  2. review top priority initiatives from the StC

Telephone Conference (some numbers):

Austria: 019 289 665
Canada: 1514 315 1021
France: 01 70 70 82 16
Germany: 06 922 222 0373
Israel: 180 921 2384
Sweden: 08 56 61 07 94
UK: 020 7906 8560
USA: 703 621 9125

To join the online meeting

Topic: OSLC Communications Group Meeting Date: Wednesday, 12. September 2012 Time: 16:00, Europe Summer Time (Berlin, GMT+02:00) Meeting Number: 951 463 751 Meeting Password: September2012!
1. Go to https://airbusconferencing.webex.com/airbusconferencing/j.php?ED=13818802&UID=74120222&PW=NMDMyNDk1MGI1&RT=OCMyNQ== 2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: September2012! 4. Click “Join”.