HistoryViewLinks to this page 2014 February 27 | 11:11 am


  • OSLC Actions
    • Feedback from anyone who wasn’t following the recent changes
    • Changes still to be made following Martin & John’s discussion


Attended: Martin, Steve, Tim

Apologies: John A, Umberto, Juergen, Lin

  • Martin reiterated a previous comment from John that the OSLC Actions work may be of use to the Availability work.
  • Martin confirmed that the intention is to submit the Core OSLC Actions specification as a formal submission to either the Core WG or the Core TC at OASIS.
    • Most likely the OSLC Core TC at OASIS, but we might email the open-services.net Core 2.0 WG first, as we have called it “Actions 2.0”, to give anyone there who isn’t at OASIS a chance to feedback on the target SDO or version number first.
  • Martin said that he hoped it would be before the end of March that it is ready to submit, but implementations to verify it will not be until after then.
  • No one had any feedback on the recent changes.
  • As no one present was up-to-date on the changes, the discussion of the changes still to be made was not deemed useful.