A sample Diagram resource. This is a minimalistic example of a diagram resource. A more realistic resource would have many more properties to it, this example just highlights those properties defined in the OSLC AM Diagram resource .
This diagram contains three elements, two nodes and one connector that is made up of two line segments (or three points).
@prefix oslc_am: <http://open-services.net/ns/am#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix sample: <https://example.com/SampleOntology#> .
a sample:Diagram , # a diagram type in the sample domain
oslc_am:Diagram ; # an OSLC AM Diagram type
dcterms:title "Diagram 1" ; # all OSLC resources can have a title property
sample:renders # a properties in sample domain
<https://example.com/am/res/83> ,
<https://example.com/am/res/82> ,
<https://example.com/am/res/81> ;
[ a oslc_am:DiagramRectangle ; # the type of area is rectangle
dcterms:title "Element 1" ;
<https://example.com/am/res/82> # the region represents this resource
oslc_am:x 425 ; # the upper left hand corner of the rectangular
oslc_am:y 267 ;
oslc_am:width 242 ; # the width and height of the rectangular region
oslc_am:height 85 ;
oslc_am:order 1
] ;
[ a oslc_am:DiagramRectangle ;
dcterms:title "Element 2" ;
oslc_am:represents <https://example.com/am/res/81>
oslc_am:x 73 ;
oslc_am:y 108 ;
oslc_am:width 217 ;
oslc_am:height 85 ;
oslc_am:order 2
] ;
[ a oslc_am:DiagramPolygon ; # a polygonal region
dcterms:title "Element 3" ;
oslc_am:represents <https://example.com/am/res/83>
oslc_am:coords # coordinates of
"196,196,248,295,422,296,422,312,242,309,185,196" ; # vertices of polygon
oslc_am:order 3
] .