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Proxy Pattern

  • PatternID: 100.001
  • Name: Proxy Pattern
  • Category:
  • Creation Date:
  • Creators:
  • Description: If an expert tool needs to include artifacts from other repositories to connect them with local information, it is not always possible to do this only through external LinkedData references. In such cases, it is a good practice to create a local proxy object with the minimum information required for the local function and an reference link to the original object. Such a proxy object could be automatically created or updated in an earlier process step through OSLC CRUD services (e.g. when a consolidated set of this object type is available in the original repository).
  • Link to related patterns: Proxy1 Pattern
  • Example: When a Requirements Baseline is released (has reached a certain majority) in the Requirements Repository, a set of proxy objects for this baseline with just ID, short description and link back to the requirement could be created in the Quality Management Repository to allow a tester to relate the test cases to. This enables the use the build in functions of the QM tool (e.g. coverage report) as well as a trace across the repository for other tool spanning reports and collaborations.