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Structured Views


A service provider manages a number of containers of resources. These resources are essentially in a flat space. They typically have relationships with each other. These relationships can be quite complex (especially in modelling space).

There are many cases where a client wishes to present all the members of the container in a structured form for a user to browse through. Containers often have a large number of resources (10’s of thousands to millions) and sending them all to a client in one shot is impractical. A client can receive them all through multiple pages, but this too takes time.

What is being proposed here is a way for a client to request a structured view (structured in the sense of parent child relationships and ordering) of a container. A container may have a default view (canonical ownership), or many other defined views.

A client can request the contents of a view (which may have a subset of all the resources). If the view is a typical hierarchy, the first page would contain only the top level resources. If a resource in this response has ‘child resources’ in the view, then an additional property with a link to the child resources is available. The client could provide a user gesture to ‘expand’ that resource. The client would then GET the link and populate the tree control on the client.

In this way the user is deciding which resources to fetch and populate the structured view.

The key properties of this view are parent/child relationships and ordering.