Please join us on Tuesday, September 18 at 11AM Eastern (8am Pacific / 4pm GMT / 5pm CET) for the latest in the OSLC Community Webcast series, “OSLC ALM-PLM Interoperability – proof of concept”.
Date & TimeTop
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
11:00am Eastern Time (8:00am Pacific / 4:00pm GMT / 5:00pm CET)
The webcast will be about an hour, including the presentation and time for questions.
If you can’t make it, we’ll post the recording as soon as it’s available.
Watch it liveTop
Watch live at the Webdialogs site.
The online conference will have the information to listen to the audio.
This presentation describes results of ongoing work to evaluate interoperability between Siemens Teamcenter and various tools from the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) domain, using Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) specifications. Software already in use to enable collaboration between Change Management, Requirements Management, Source Code Control and other ALM domain tools. To support a complex Mechatronic product (i.e. an Automobile), the ALM software must support collaboration with PLM domain tools. Development of this connector has exposed the need for OSLC extensions to cover concepts such as Product Definition and Structure, Effectivity and Variants.
Mike Loeffler, Systems Engineering IT specialist, GM
Mike is focused on application of IT systems such as Teamcenter to support Systems Engineering across the entire vehicle development life cycle. Mike has vehicle engineering domain experience in both electrical hardware and embedded software development, and standards development experience with ISO-STEP. Mike represents GM on various OSLC workgroups including PLM.