Eclipse Lyo contributors and committers are busy pulling together the final touches on the 1.0 upcoming release.
Eclipse Lyo 1.0 will provide a number of useful freely available open source assets for getting your OSLC based integrations going.
OSLC4J: Java toolkit for building providers and consumers
OSLC4J provides:
- annotations to decorate Java objects with OSLC attributes to produce and consumer OSLC resource formats
- annotations to assist with resource preview UIs (compact rendering)
- built-in support for service provider and resource shape documents
- libraries to simplify service provider and consumer development
- sample applications, including an OSLC Registry (catalog) application, a Quality and Change Management provider implementation
This will be available both as source code and distributable built JARs for direct inclusion into your own project.
Test suite: Test and assess your service provider implementations
The test suite is writen as a JUnit test suite. It connects to OSLC service provider implementations using HTTP requests and performs a number of requests and test the response. Coverage exists for a number of OSLC domain specifications including: Change Management, Asset Management and Quality Management. These test a number of specification features and resources, though more and better tests are always possible. Additionally there are reports that can be run on the results of the run or both Change and Quality Management test results to produce a nice assessment report on runs on MUST, SHOULD and MAY requirements.
Samples: Reference Implementations, Client, Server, Resources, Bugzilla and more
Often one of the best things to help with getting going with some implementations or exploration is getting your hands on some samples. Eclipse Lyo provides a number of these. There is a sample Bugzilla OSLC service provider that leverages OSLC4J to expose bugs through OSLC and more.
And much more, stay tuned and get involved!
As the Eclipse Lyo team wraps up 1.0, we'll be looking to see what is next. We are looking for feedback on what we are doing, what the community needs and ways we can improve on what we have.