Eclipse Lyo 2.0 is now available

We’re thrilled to announce the official release of Eclipse Lyo 2.0!


The latest JAR files – with or without dependencies – are available on the Lyo download page.

Here are the biggest changes:

  • Lyo is now available in a public Maven Repository: To add the Lyo libraries to a Maven project, use the lyo-releases repository on
  • The Tracked Resource Set SDK has been added to OSLC4J: Build TRS providers using OSLC4J, explore a TRS reference implementation, test your product with the TRS test suite, and learn more through a workshop using our Bugzilla adapter application.
  • Linked Data Platform reference implementation: The reference implementation for the latest W3C draft includes a triple store implementation with Jena and some sample data to play with.
  • OSLC4J now supports text/turtle.

Here’s the complete list of fixed bugs and enhancements.

As other issues get addressed, you can expect automated Hudson builds after any change and snapshot artifacts in the Maven repository after every build to help you get those fixes as soon as possible.