Basic Profile for Linked Data has been published on W3C

In December 2011, the attendees of a W3C Workshop on “Linked Enterprise Data Patterns” recommended the formation of a W3C workgroup to develop and endorse a specification around the need for a minimal foundation for building integrated applications with Linked Data.

Now, a W3C member submission titled "Linked Data Basic Profile" has been published at

This submission highlights some of the key best practices and patterns that have helped leverage Linked Data as an approach to integrating lifecycle tools and applications; it contains a proposed specification, use cases, requirements, and a simple RDF schema document describing the vocabulary.

This submission represents a significant step in the adoption of Linked Data as an integration architecture. Be on the lookout to participate in the evolution of this at W3C and the adoption of it within OSLC.

And, of course, thanks to those who helped contribute.