OSLC Communications Workgroup 13 July 2012 12 PM EDT
- New workgroup leadership
- Actions from the Steering Committee (http://open-services.net/wiki/120603-StC-Meeting-Minutes/#action-items items 5-7, inlined below)
- Communications WG: work on a prioritized backlog of initiatives to raise the profile of OSLC; bring back some thoughts to the StC
- Communications WG: consider adapting (potentially through a re-charter) to handle execution and management of those initiatives - also consider formalizing the relationship with the StC
- someone(s), possibly the Comms WG: use John W.’s whitepaper as a starting point, take input from other community members and provide updated resources (another whitepaper, plus a 1-page highlight/summary)
- Other business
- Sean Kennedy (meeting chair)
- Wesley Coelho
- Andy Gurd
- Lee Reamsnyder
- Rainer Ersch
- Bob Myers
- Deanna Shaw
Indroduction of Deanna and background on Andy's resignation of WG lead position
Deanna – first time attending, from IBM Tivoli tech office, working to get Tivoli more involved in OSLC
Andy – on IBM WW marketing team, now responsible for go-to-market around requirements management for complex and embedded decisions and have been ramping up efforts around a beta and future release in another area; has had to spend a little less time on OSLC, leading to the resignation of the WG lead position; will still be interested in OSLC and participate in the Communications WG
1. new workgroup leadership
Sean: Parham expressed interest in leading the workgroup
Rainer: Parham would handle the workgroup leadership, and it would be good to have a non-IBM in the lead position
Sean: to confirm with Parham and then propose him on the mailing list. 4 +1s will mean his acceptance.
Group: OK.
Wesley: also include a couple sentences on Parham’s background and qualifications
2. action items from the StC
Rainer providing some background on why the
StC came to these action items: The feeling was that the technical efforts are going well, but there is a need to have more focus on promotion and marketing of OSLC.
Bob: any thought or discussions of target audiences?
Rainer: no, that would be something that we’d be looking to the Comms WG to do
Sean: basically the flow would be: the Comms WG comes up with the proposals, gets feedback and direction from the
StC, goes and executes
Sean & Andy: a lot of the materials are already available (see
WhoShouldCareAboutOslc? ,
OslcManifesto, and
OSLCEventsList), but will need a refresh; also widen the scope (we didn’t consider the analysts and press in
WhoShouldCareAboutOslc? , for example)
Rainer: another thing to think about, raising some money to do bigger things.
Sean: is there general agreement on this kind of relationship? Yes.
Sean: given the
StC is meeting next Thursday, it would be very good to have a backlog that we can point them to before then.
Sean: call for people to get involved in building the backlog:
Bob, yes.
Rainer, can review.
Wesley, please include on email about it.
Sean, I will participate
Sean: for the charter would be good to have a discussion on in the next meeting before finalizing. It should be a short bit of text and I also volunteer to work on it with the new WG lead
Rainer: RE 2.3 – larger idea that contains this idea: have an OSLC marketing kit that everyone can pull from for whatever their need
Sean: right, 2.3 as a smaller task, and the larger marketing kit too should be items on the backlog we build
Bob: any OSLC certification?
Sean: no, nothing like that, but some sort of badge system might be interesting to pursue
3. other business
Wesley: how’d the OSLC Hospitality Suite go?
Sean: Awesome! :
Sean: we’re creating some good original content, blogs, how can we get it out there?
Wesley: send it to me, I’ll pass it on to our marketing org; also develop a “re-posters” mailing list (the people who want WG updates are not necessarily the same as those who’d re-post, and vice versa)
Sean: great idea, we’ll have to figure out the logistics of that (another mailman list?)
Items to discuss at the next meeting
- brainstorm ideas for the backlog
- review re-chartering draft
Action items generated in this meeting
- confirm that Parham is still interested in leading the WG, if so, nominate him on the mailing list (Sean)
- create ideas backlog in time for the July 19 Steering Committee meeting (Sean, Bob,Wesley, Rainer)
- draft new workgroup charter to capture the proposed releationship with the Steering Committee (Sean, Parham?)
- think of ideas for next meeting's brainstorm (All)
- put together a "re-poster's" mailing list (Lee)