Open Lifecycle Summit: Live Tweet Round-up


Someone suggested I should write a blog about the Open Lifecycle Summit … I made a selection of my “live tweets” and call it a “blog”.

Here we go … my tweets about the Open Lifecycle Summit …


What If Integration Came Standard?Top

Laurent Liscia and John Wiegand

  • ·         John Wiegand: #OSLC goes to #OASIS with support of vendors, end users, integrators & academics #IBMInnovate (link)
  • ·         Laurent Liscia: #OSLC does deliver on all the tools that you need to integrate #IBMInnovate (link)
  • ·         Laurent Liscia: #OSLC addresses critism that were leveled at #ALM by breaking through additional barriers were added #IBMInnovate (link)
  • ·         John Wiegand: we want #OSLC to be the natural place for people to standardize integrations #IBMInnovate (link)
  • ·         John Wiegand: important that we have consumers & creators working together to solve these problems #OSLC #IBMInnovate (link)

IBM vision for Open CloudTop

Mike Kaczmarski

  • ·         Mike Kaczmarski: open #cloud #architecture enables innovation in our business process & in what we create (link)
  • ·         Mike Kaczmarski: software defined environments help abstract the differences between #cloud providers #OSLC #IBMInnovate (link)
  • ·         Mike Kaczmarski: #BlueMix is an incubation of #PaaS so that you can quickly build & deploy solutions (link)
  • ·         Mike Kaczmarski: seeing more & more solutions being composition of app services ... driven by standardized APIs #OSLC #IBMInnovate (link)

The Chef PlatformTop

George Moberly

OSLC in the Product Engineering SpaceTop

Sky Matthews


PROMIS Project: Mission, Strategy, Technology, and Collaboration with OSLCTop

Mikio Aoyama

  • ·         Mikio Aoyama: PROMIS mission to make SW Supply Chain viable #OSLC #IBMInnovate (link)
  • ·         Mikio Aoyama: We have abstracted a standard proj mgmt model based on #OSLC #IBMInnovate (link)
  • ·         Mikio Aoyama: we can map any proj mgmt model to our #OSLC schema, learn more @ our Weds session #IBMInnovate (link)
  • ·         Mikio Aoyama: PROMIS is based on #OSLC Core #IBMInnovate (link)

Implementing a DevOps Tool ChainTop

Dan Berg

OSLC and AgileTop

Mik Kersten

Apache CordovaTop

Jim Zheng


Hosted by Dave West