This wiki is locked. Future workgroup activity and specification development must take place at our new wiki. For more information, see this blog post about the new governance model and this post about changes to the website.
TWiki> Main Web>WebHome (revision 193)

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) Wiki

Learn more at OSLC main page .

This wiki is a place for interested parties to collaborate on specifications for lifecycle resources and services. To keep things grounded, specs will emerge and evolve based on efforts to integrate tools through a series of well-defined scenarios across different domains or topic areas. Collaboration around each topic happens through this wiki and an associated mailing list. If you'd like to contribute to a topic, review the Terms of the site and then contact the topic lead.

Scenarios and Topic Areas

Scenarios Topics
Collaborative Lifecycle Management Change Management - integrations with work item and change management repositories.

Quality Management - integrations in quality management and testing.

Requirements Management and Definition - integrations in requirements management and requirements definition tools.

Asset Management - integrations between asset management and other lifecycle tools.

Architecture Management - integrations related to models and other artifacts used during analysis, design and construction that help maintain architectural integrity.

Software Configuration Management - integrations targeted at version control, change sets, baselines and other resources

Automation - integrations involving automation tools like build, deploy, and analysis tools.

Software Project Management Estimation and Measurement - integrations with estimation tools and performance, project, and portfolio management
ALM-PLM interoperability Scenarios PLM and ALM - integrations across product lifecycle management and application lifecycle management tools
Integrated Service Management

Performance Monitoring - Integrations for monitoring resources

Reconciliation - Integrations to identify and manage conflicts among resources

Core and Common concerns

Core - Essential elements, patterns for common concerns

Configuration Management - a common vocabulary for versions and configurations of linked data resources

Reporting - a common set of features that RESTful services should implement to enable reporting.

Non-specification Communications - working to raise awareness of the OSLC community


Mailing lists
Resource guidelines
Workgroup Best Practices
Common glossary
Eclipse Lyo Project
OSLC at Innovate 2012 Conference


Terms of Use
About this site

Topic revision: r77 - 06 Aug 2012 - 16:10:12 - NickCrossley
Main.WebHome moved from Main.NewWebHome on 28 Oct 2008 - 21:38 by ScottBosworth - put it back
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