SCM Meeting 2009-10-14
- Expanding the group membership
- Review scenarios on wiki
- Start extracting vocabulary/terminology
The meeting started with a discussion about how the group membership could be expanded, preferably with some more representation from outside IBM.
ScottBosworth, and
SteveSpeicher are following up with some current leads, and Nick will also follow up with
TackTong to see if his recent appeal for more members of the reporting group met with any success.
Most of the rest of the meeting was spent discussing the first two scenarios. The group agreed that although the primary story was the build integration, the build services themselves could not be in scope for this SCM group. Nick will rewrite the scenarios purely in terms of SCM services, and to do so with examples of specific tools; this will give the group a more concrete use case to work through.
There was much discussion about integration between different services, the links between services, and the links between resources in those services. For example, to integrate SCM and CM services, we need to be able to navigate from change requests or work items to change sets, and also back from builds or baselines through change sets to change requests, requirements, etc. However, the data about the links between work item and change set might be held in either CM, or SCM, or both, depending on the toolset involved. This is a general issue with links between OSLC services, and Nick will follow up with
IanGreen, who has been working on this subject.
Nick also agreed to set up an
ScmTerminology page on the wiki, including a table with columns where we can add equivalent terms for the various SCM systems.