- Scenario discussions
- We'll use the web meeting to walk through the scenarios
- Need to consider workgroup feedback
- Need to consider Brenda's RCR scenario (Scenario 2B.
- Specification needs for V1.0
- Meeting schedule during July.
Attendees: Ian, Dominic, Scott, Dave, Andy, Oliver, Rainer, Torge, George, Steve, Randy
We reviewed changes to Scenario A, and the proposed changes to Scenario B (to be found
here). The consensus was that the proposed changes to Scenario B were overly specific and introduced terminology (QCR) whose meaning was not clear (is it distinct from "defect"); Rainer felt that RCR was also overly and unncessarily specific. It was agreed that these suggested changes to Scenario B would not be accepted.
Steve asked whether scenarios were needed which deal with making the distinction between the various types of "change request".
There was some discussion prompted by Dominic and Andy about whether the scenarios and/or the specification should be general or specific. For example, types of trace relationships.
Steve and Scott took an action to to take a look at these scenarios and understand the relationship to RM. [img - Steve/Scott can either of you recall the actual action taken - this must be missing something? ]
Steve suggested working on scenarios expressly consuming traceability.
Rainer proposed that we go ahread into specification with scenarios A & B. These are sufficient to start. All attendees agreed with this proposal.
Randy raised a discussion on how Scenario A would work in an agile process; it was agreed that our scenarios should be process-neutral where that makes sense and that we muct consider different styles of development when drawing up scenarios.
Topic revision: r3 - 09 Jul 2009 - 10:18:52 -