This wiki is locked. Future workgroup activity and specification development must take place at our new wiki. For more information, see this blog post about the new governance model and this post about changes to the website.
-- GrayBachelor - 14 May 2010

PLM Workgroup Main Meeting - May 25 th 2010 11am Eastern Time /5pm CET


  1. Roll call and brief introductions- welcome new members
  2. Objective for today's meeting - Scenario walkthrough
  3. Focus on the Systems Engineering scenario to build up use-cases here
  4. Capture comments and views about existing Specs
  5. Discuss next steps
Rainer Ersch
Scott Bosworth
Gray Bachelor
Brenda Ellis
Mike Loeffler
Steve Speicher
Roch Bertucat

The meeting followed the published agenda with a focus on the selected SE Scenario and walkthrough

The working files are posted on the wiki in the meeting minutes and in the scenario

Notes taken relating to the scenario
a1: Identification of org/owner/system of initerest (OOS for now). Can assist the assignment of context or phase the assignment to reduce looping
a2:URL is the generalized way to access
a3: Goal is re-uabaility of req. Context is system architecture, product, feature, version, configuration, effectivity, option and variant. Need to confirm that the CR is in the correct context
a4: Open the Req in context
a5: Context owns the LC of the system or product, create a revision for the context. More likely to select another existing requirement that is a better initial fit ? Have to open to make a change / make a version and CO. "New revision of the Req Context and check out "
a6: Req context open for edit
a7: Req in Context in Context and its Implement > Req, aloocateed to behaviors, physical implemntation. Locate, search whatever altrnatives
a1: Fix loose ends. e..g Behaviour same but different Physical iimplemented like connection. Can make change directly ia a CR to sub-teem. Child CR in orig Context. Option to add a new Req, may need a review.
a2. Approvals typically build up from the sub-teams with negotiation and collaborate between. Interrogate ? Calibration values (ESW Configuration)


1. Mike to share his topcased working file set
2. Gray to make updates to Activity diagram based upon
3. Reminder to add the required covenant statements to the wiki
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
pptppt Activity_diagram_anotation_V0.2.ppt manage 188.5 K 25 May 2010 - 17:21 GrayBachelor Working mark up of Activity diagram
pdfpdf OSLC_PLM_Workgroup_May_25_2010_V0.3.pdf manage 69.7 K 25 May 2010 - 14:36 GrayBachelor Today workinmg material
Topic revision: r5 - 25 May 2010 - 17:21:36 - GrayBachelor
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