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Reporting Meeting, 2010-02-22

See Reporting Meetings for meeting logistics.

Agenda and Minutes


  1. Update on outstanding actions
  2. OSLC Core Spec Workgroup
  3. Extension to base OSLC resource
    • new properties
    • new non-OSLC defined resource
  4. Validation Implementation scenario - TackTong

Outstanding Action Items


Attendees: JamesMoody, DragosCojocari, SteveSpeicher, ScottBosworth, DaveJohnson, SebRose, ArthurRyman, XiangDongHu, BenjaminWilliams

Regrets: VishyRamaswamy, JoanTouzet, StevePitschke

1. Discussed updates on Action items.

2. A OSLC Core Specification WG is formed. Membership is open and member in the Reporting WG are encouraged to participate.

3. Discussed Reporting topics as related to Core Spec.

4. Reporting Spec. will reference to Core Spec. as appropriate and may put more stringent conditios on top of Core Spec. as deemed required.

5. Reporting has no prior knowledge on domain resources. Thus, custom extensions (custom properties and custom OSLC resources) to OLSC resources are discovered via Resource Shape same as any properties and OSLC resources.

6. ImplementationScenario for the validating Query proposal was presented and discussed. First iteration of the implementation will be based on this scenairo.

Next Week

  • Authentication
  • Query - what should Reporting say about currently Query proposal.
    • what is the behavior if service provider does not support Query
    • which features of Query are MUST/SHOULD/MAY?


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Topic revision: r3 - 22 Feb 2010 - 19:34:46 - TackTong
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