The use cases bellow come from the modelling domain. They were raised both in the context of RSx as well as Rhapsody.
Classifier report
The development manager, as a Report Consumer, informs the Administrator that he wants a report with all the
Classifiers defined in a project. The document must contain the name and description for each classifier. The list of classifiers must include all predefined classifier types such as class, use case, actor etc.The name and description are defined as properties of the Classifier resource.
The Administrator must be able to define a query that returns all Classifier resources and for each of them the name and description.
Use Case report
The development manager, as a Report Consumer, informs the Administrator that he he wants a report with all the Use Cases in the project and their goal. The goal is defined as property of the Use Case resource.
The Administrator must be able to define a query that returns all Use Case resources and for each of them their goal.
Mission Critical Use Case report
The development manager, as a Report Consumer, informs the Report Designer that he he wants a report with all the Use Cases in the project and the stakeholders information for them. A mission critical usecase is a usecase having aplied the Mission Critical stereotype. The stakeholder is a defined as a property of the element stereotyped by the "Mission Critical" stereotype.
There are two approaches:
1. the Administrator queries for all the Use Case resources and filters only the ones having the Mission Critical stereotype applied. The stakeholder property has to be filtered as well.
2. the Administrator makes a query for all the Mission Critical Use Case resources. These resources are derived from Use Case resources and in addition have propertiesas defined by theMission Critical Stereotype