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OSLC Core Meeting January 12, 2010

Last week's meeting

Link to OSLC Core spec: OslcCoreSpecification

Meeting logistics

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  • USA Toll-Free: 888-426-6840
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  • Participant Code: 6867265

Online meeting

(when we need it)



Attendees and notes from the meeting


Topics discussed

Topic: OSLC Test Suite

First, Steve gave an overview of the OSLC Tools project, which is the home of the Test Suite. The project is intended to support OSLC specification development and not really be an open source "product site." It will host three types of things: test suites, reference implementations and sample code. Members are organized into contributors and committers. We have now committers: Olivier B, Dave J and Steve S. Two from Oracle are expected to join soon.

  • Q: Dave J: will project make "releases" with version numbers
    • A: Steve S: no plans for release, yet, not ruling it out

Rob E: we want to be able to pull tests for specific OSLC versions, but I guess we can do that via tags

Dave J: very easy to build/run from source, that removes some need for releases

Steve S: would be convenient to offer a WAR

  • Q: Anything else in the project's future other than tests, reference impls and samples?
    • A: might also be SDK category

Steve S: in the future we might want to consider moving some or all of the OSLC-Tools code to an open source foundation like Apache.

Scott B: or the Eclipse Foundation

Next, Steve talked about the Test Suite code base. He explained that it is easy to extend, easy to build via Maven and includes Eclipse launchers. You can use these to test against RTC, CQ and FusionForge? OSLC-CM implementations.

Noted that the simple test done for Query, not comprehensive

Noted that the Test Suite is now in the list of OSLC implementations (a Google Doc spreadsheet)

  • Q: Arthur R: is this a Test Suite for OSLC-CM?
    • A: Steve S: no, it is for OSLC. We did CM first. It's easy to extend for new tests and we hope to extend to all domains eventually
  • Q: Does it test semantics?
    • A: Yes
  • Q: Can it test that a Resource matches a Resource Shape?
    • A: Not yet but yes, that is in scope
  • Q: Can it validate Service Docs, etc.
    • A: Yes, resource validation is built-in for key OSLC resources

Arthur R: one thing on my wish list is an online validator

Steve S: we have discussed putting the Test Suite online somehow, and various alternatives for doing so including IBM Cloud, Lotus Live and others.

Arthur R: doesn't Google have something

Dave J: yes, Google has App Engine

  • Q: Dave J: what's the roadmap for the Test Suite? Coverage for more domains? Data driven tests?
    • A: Steve S: roadmap in mind is extending capabilities covered, OAuth support, Shapes, Query, edge cases and then hosting.

Steve S: re: data driven tests: might be able to get pretty far using resources reps and resource shapes as a way to specify inputs and outputs.

  • Q: Are the Test Suite tests normative? Can they be used to decide disputes about spec?
    • A: No, the Test Suite is not supposed to be a compliance test. The specifications are normative but the Test Suite is not. We don't want the tests to trump the specifications.
  • Q: Scott B: For Robert Elves, are we doing anything here that would inhibit your use of OSLC-Tools tests or RI code in Mylyn or at Eclipse in general?
    • A: Robert E: no not really. The Apache License works for us. But, making releases might make it easier for us to get clearance to use the code in Eclipse Foundation releases.
Topic revision: r3 - 12 Jan 2011 - 18:01:00 - DaveJohnson
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