Clarified behavior when query is specified incorrectly by adding to the Query Syntax section a sub-section called Query Specification Errors with the following text: "If there is an error in the specification of the query, whether the query is specified by key=value pairs in the HTTP GET URL or key=value pairs in the body of an HTTP POST, then the provider MUST respond with an error. The error response should be an HTTP 400 Bad Request error and an explanation of the error in the OSLC Error Response format (see Error Responses below)."
Fixes in the Representation guidance:
Fixed lingering RDF/XML reference in XML section
Now use content-types in the section titles for the sake of clarity
In the Atom rule 1.4, don't say MUST
Promoted Representation and Link Guidance to appendices of Core spec
Moved Representations Guidance into the Core Spec as Appendix B and Link Guidance in as C. The old appendices B, C and D are now example pages, linked to from the new Appendix B. Here's the structure of the Core spec now:
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