Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Core Specification Version 2.0 Appendix B: Representations and Examples
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Table of Contents
This document provides details on how to form and serve RDF/XML, XML, Turtle, JSON and Atom representations of OSLC defined resources.
Guidelines for application/rdf+xml
Recall from the OSLC Core specification section on
OSLC Defined Resource Representations that "OSLC services
SHOULD provide and accept RDF/XML representations for each OSLC resource." An RDF/XML representation
- Returned when these content types requested:
- Returned as content-type:
OSLC resources are defined using the RDF data model and so, the first guidance for both parsing and generating RDF/XML representations is to use an RDF/XML toolkit. Follow the RDF/XML specifications and your toolkit's documentation. There are such toolkits available for most popular languages.
RDF/XML Examples
See separate page
OSLC Core Spec RDF XML Examples
Guidelines for application/xml
In this section we offer instructions for creating an XML representation for OSLC Defined Resources. The resultant XML representations are designed to validate as RDF/XML and therefore are often referred to as "constrained RDF/XML" or "abbreviated RDF/XML" representations, however the main intent of these instructions is to document a specific XML representation format for use in scenarios where a more unfettered RDF/XML representation or use of RDF/XML toolkits is not appropriate or preferred. OSLC domain specifications
SHOULD refer to these instructions when requiring application/xml representations.
XML representations returned by OSLC Defined Resources
- Returned when these content types requested:
- Returned as content-type:
Steps to generate an XML representation
This set of steps
MAY be followed to form an XML representation of an OSLC Defined Resource. Other techniques
MAY be used as long as the resulting XML is the same.
- 1.0 Open the XML root element
and include all required namespace declarations
- 2.0 Open the XML element as a first child of the XML root element using the Resource's Prefixed Name
- 2.1 Add to the XML element the
attribute set to the URI of the resource
- 3.0 Represent the properties of the resource (using the property rules below)
- 4.0 Close the XML element (using Resource's Prefixed Name)
- 5.0 If this resource is a partial resource returned as a result of Resource Paging then:
- 5.1 Open the XML element
- 5.2 Represent the properties of the
resource (using the property rules below)
- 5.2.1 If this is not the last page, the
property-value MUST point to the next page.
- 5.3 Close the XML element
- 6.0 Close the XML root element
These are the
property rules referred to above. OSLC property values are represented as XML elements with QNames formed using the Property's QName namespace prefix and name.
- 1.0 For each property value of the resource
- 1.1 Open XML element using QName of property
- 1.2 If property value is a Literal value-type
- 1.2.1 Inside the XML element add the value as a string with any required escaping
- 1.3 If property value is value-type Resource with representation of Reference
- 1.3.1 Add to the XML element the
attribute set to URI
- 1.3.2 If the resource reference is an Anchor (see OslcCoreSpecAppendixLinks Guidance) then add
with an ID, unique to the resource and that will be referenced from a separate annotations element (see below).
- 1.4 If property value is value type Local Resource with representation of Reference
- 1.4.1 Add to the XML element the
attribute set to local ID of the resource referred to
- 1.5 If property value is value-type Resource with representation of Inline
- 1.5.1 Open XML element using QName of the resource being represented inline
- 1.5.2 Add to the XML element the
attribute set to URI of resource
- 1.5.3 Inside the XML element represent property values of the linked resource
- 1.5.4 Close the XML element
- 1.6 If property value is value-type Local Resource with representation of Inline
- 1.6.1 Open XML element using QName of the resource
- 1.6.1 If this Local Resource is to be referred to elsewhere within the (containing) resource representation, then add to the XML element to
set to the local ID you wish to assign to the resource.
- 1.6.3 Inside the XML element represent property values of the resource
- 1.6.4 Close the XML element
- 1.7 Close XML element
If there are any Anchors (see step 1.3.2 above) then for each:
- 1.0 Open XML
element with an rdf:about
that refers to the anchor's ID.
- 1.1 Inside the XML element represent each property value of the anchor, following the property rules above.
- 2.0 Close the XML
XML Examples
The examples on the
OSLC Core Spec RDF XML Examples were generated using the rules above.
Guidelines for JSON
An OSLC Service
MAY provide and understand JSON representations of OSLC Defined Resources and these representations
- Returned when these content types requested:
- Returned as content-type:
The first round of OSLC specifications defined a simple JSON format for representing OSLC resources and until there is a standard JSON representation for RDF data, we expect that OSLC domain specifications will continue to use this simple format.
The Core workgroup has some minor changes to the format to allow prefixes to be declared and offers guidance in the form of step-by-step instructions on how to generate it.
This set of steps
MAY be followed to form a JSON representation of an OSLC Defined Resource. Other techniques
MAY be used as long as the resulting JSON is the same.
- 1.0 Create a JSON object with the following fields:
set to the URI of the resource.
A resource can have multiple types, so this is a JSON Array of objects, each with an rdf:resource
field that is a type of the resource.
set to a JSON object with one field per prefix used in the file, the field value should be the prefix base that corresponds to the prefix.
- 2.0 Add to the JSON object fields to represent the property values of the resource (using the property rules below)
- 3.0 If this resource is a partial resource returned as a result of Resource Paging then:
- 3.1 Add to the JSON object a field
with value-type oslc:ResponseInfo
- 3.1.1 Represent the property values of the response info resource (using the property rules below)
- 3.1.2 If this is not the last page, the
property-value MUST point to the next page.
These are the
property rules referred to above. For each property:
- 1.0 For each property of a resource
- 1.1 Add field to the resource's JSON object with name set to Prefixed Name of property
- 1.1.1 If the property is specified as a single-valued property, then make field's value literal or JSON Object
- 1.1.2 If the property is specified as a multi-valued property, then make field's value JSON Array
- 1.2 If value-type is Literal
- 1.2.1 If value-type is a Literal String, DateTime? or XMLLiteral, set the field's value to a JSON string representation of the property value.
- 1.2.2 If value-type is a Literal numeric (Integer, Decimal, Double, Float), set the field's value to a JSON number.
- 1.2.3 If value-type is a Literal boolean, set the field's value to a JSON boolean.
- 1.3 Else if value-type is Resource with representation of Reference
- 1.3.1 Set field's value to JSON object with field:
set to URI of resource
- 1.3.2 If the resource reference is part of an Anchor (as described in Link Guidance) and has annotating property values, then include these properties within the JSON object.
- 1.4 Else if value-type is Local Resource with representation of Reference
- 1.4.1 Set field's value to JSON object with field:
set to local ID of resource
- 1.5 Else if value-type is Resource with representation of Inline
- 1.5.1 Set field's value to JSON object with fields:
set to URI of resource whose values are being inlined
- Represent properties of inlined resource (using these same rules)
- 1.6 Else if value-type is Local Resource with representation of Inline
- 1.6.1 Set field's value to JSON object with fields:
set to local ID you wish to assign to this resource. Only needed when Local Resource needs to refer to this resource.
- Represent properties of inlined resource (using these same rules)
JSON Examples
See separate page
OSLC Core Spec JSON Examples
Turtle Representations
An OSLC Service
MAY provide and understand Turtle representations of OSLC Defined Resources.
- Returned when these content types requested:
- Returned as content-type:
As with RDF/XML we recommend using an RDF toolkit to parse and generate Turtle. Turtle is simple enough that we do not need to offer step-by-step guidance on how to generate it.
Turtle Examples
See separate page
OSLC Core Spec Turtle Examples
Atom Representations
An OSLC Service
MAY provide and accept Atom Syndication Format representations of OSLC Defined Resources (reference: Atom Format).
Steps for forming an Atom format OSLC Defined Resource representation
Note that there are special steps below for creating an OSLC Query Resource representation in Atom format.
When a client requests an Atom representation of an OSLC Defined Resource and specifies via HTTP Accept header content-type
then an OSLC Service
SHOULD respond with an Atom representation.
To represent an OSLC Defined Resource in Atom format we use an Atom
element as document root, we map some OSLC properties to Atom elements and inside the Atom
element, we place an RDF/XML representation (as defined above) of the resource that we are representing. Atom representations
MUST comply with the rules of Atom Syndication Format (reference: Atom format).
- 1.0 Open an Atom
- 1.1 Add Atom
element. Atom requires a unique ID here and in the form of a URN, the resource URI MAY be used here.
- 1.2 Add Atom
element. Atom requires a non-empty title value. A dcterms:title
value MAY be used here.
- 1.3 Add Atom
element. Atom requires an updated date-time value. In cases where an updated-time value is difficult or expensive to compute, OSLC domain specifications might wish to declare this value to be insignificant.
- 1.4 Add Atom
element. Atom representations SHOULD provide a content element that contains an RDF/XML representation of the resource being represented.
- 1.5 Add Atom
element. Atom requires an author element.
- 2.0 Close Atom
Steps for forming an Atom format OSLC Query Resource representation
When a client requests an Atom representation of an OSLC query resource and specifies via HTTP Accept header content-type
or then an OSLC Service
SHOULD respond with an Atom feed representation as described below.
This representation guidance below represents each query result within the Atom feed as an Atom
with RDF/XML data inlined inside the Atom entry's
element. Unless otherwise specified by the relevant OSLC domain specification, clients
SHOULD expect that this inlined content will be full and unconstrained RDF/XML.
To represent an OSLC Query Resource in Atom format we use an Atom
element as document root, add the required properties and then represent each member property value returned in the query response as an Atom
- 1.0 Open an Atom
- 1.1 To that element add as children the required Atom elements:
Must be a unique URN. The query resource URI may be used.
With same value as the query's oslc:ResponseInfo
value for dcterms:title
Set to time that query result was generated
This element is not meaningful but Atom requires it, so provide only a dummy value.
- 1.2. To that element add optional Atom elements that you wish to provide:
Set to oslc:ResponseInfo
value for dcterms:description
With rel="self" set to same value as the query's resource URI
With rel="next" set to same value as the query's oslc:ResponseInfo
value for oslc:nextPage
- 1.3 For each member property value returned by the query:
- 1.3.1 Open an Atom
- 1.3.2 Add to that element the required Atom elements:
Must be a unique URN. The member value's URI may be used.
If the member value has a dcterms:title
value, then use that. Otherwise provide a non-empty string with only a dummy value.
If the member value has a dcterms:modified
value then use that. Otherwise use same value used at feed level.
If the member value provides dcterms:creator
values, then each should be represented as an atom:author
- 1.3.3 Add to the that element the
- Set the
element's src
attribute to the URI of the member value
- Set the
element's type
attribute to application/rdf+xml
- Inside the content element, include a complete RDF/XML representation of the member value as specified by the query, i.e. may be a subset of the resource's values as specified by the query syntax string. Set the
attribute of the root element to the URI of the query result.
- 1.3.4 Close the Atom
- 2.0 Close the Atom
Atom Examples
See separate page
OSLC Core Spec Atom Examples