OSLC Core Meeting March 24, 2010
Meeting logistics
See the
OslcCoreMeetings for telecon number, passcode and online meeting info.
- Status
- Status of Core Spec review & responses OslcCoreV2Issues
- Status of Query Syntax work
- Status of Service Resources work
- Status of Delegated UI work
- End game plan
- Plan is to have four two-hour sessions next week:
- Monday March 29 - 10AM to 12 noon US/ET
- Monday March 29 - 1:30PM to 3:30PM US/ET
- Tuesday March 30 - 10AM to 12 noon US/ET
- Tuesday March 30 - 1:30PM to 3:30PM US/ET
- Issue: how should we schedule this time?
- Discuss remaining open issues
- Issue: Error response
- Issue: How paging should work
- Issue: Can we have one Query Resource "shape"?
- Issue: oslc.properties=*
- Issue: Need for "Member Property" boolean?
- Issue: Need for OAuth URL discoverability
Meeting Minutes
Possible Attendees
ScottBosworth: how should we interpet the DEFERRED status on the Issues page? We need to indicate whether we are deferring to solve soon or just tabling for some later time; might want to consider leaving "solve soon" ones OPEN.
DaveJohnson: I agree that we should indicate what DEFERRED means each time that we use it.
DaveJohnson to devise schedule for our eight-hours of review next week.
PaulMcMahan: we need I18N for Delegated UI
DaveJohnson to address I18N concerns around Resource Shapes. Two approaches suggested are to 1) use User Agent to determine which language to use in Resource Shape titles, descriptions, etc. or 2) have each Resource Shape include all localizations.
DaveJohnson to respond to Tack's suggestions on paging and look at prior-art in AtomPub. Consider: way for clients to discover what assumptions they can make about paging, use of 410 "expired" etc.