OSLC Core Meeting Feb. 24, 2010
Meeting logistics
See the
OslcCoreMeetings for telecon number, passcode and online meeting info.
Meeting Minutes
DaveJohnson: Welcome to the Core Workgroup. Our charter is to ensure the consistency and architectural integrity of OSLC by creating a Core specification based on best practices from our exsiting specs plus our existing efforts to define common Query spec, Resource Shapes and Representations. We will also be offering guidance on common areas of concern such as Linking, Partial Updates, and other things that may or may not be ready to be cemented into spec language.
DaveJohnson: (presented the core-spec-approach.pdf presentation)
(Design Goals slide)
ArthurRyman: is "RDF friendly as possible strong" enough wording, perhaps say we promote an RDF data model
DaveJohnson: We definitely want an RDF data model but keep it simple: resources & properties
(Core Spec Approach slide w/diagram)
ArthurRyman: why can't I do a GET on a Creation Resource? Resources should have uniform interface.
IanGreen: can we query for creation resources, service resources?
ScottBosworth: we need ability to nest service resources, as we do now in the v1 specs. Also, we need context property to support notion of a project and a service property so it's possible to find the service that owns a resource.
SteveSpeicher: should we have scenarios as we do in other workgroups?
(Resource Shapes slide)
TackTong: need help on Resource Shape Resources?
DaveJohnson: yes, we should talk 1:1 about this
(Service Resources slide)
ArthurRyman: we need some UI support in Service Resource: delegated UI and pickers offered by service
IanGreen: isn't a Service Resource just another resource? Why do we have to limit a product to having just one?
(Query Resources slide)
ScottBosworth: can we come up with Profiles for different levels of OSLC support? Clients may be confused by MUST, MAY and SHOULDs in the Core spec and domain specs.
ScottBosworth: has new Query spec been implemented, what is new in it?
ArthurRyman: new query spec adds nested properties
(Representations slide)
ArthurRyman: we should add HTML and some (optional)
ScottBosworth: can we have an XML only rep? An RDF/XML
(What's next slide)
SteveSpeicher: Dave, do you intend to get others to help write sections and act as an editor
DaveJohnson: Yes, I intend to act as spec editor, combining the work of multiple authors into one self-consistent document. After I we get the draft/strawman spec on the wiki we can talk about making some assignments.