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Estimation and Measurement Telecon, 2010-05-28

See Weekly Meeting Logistics for telecon information.

Previous telecon 2010-05-14

Next telecon 2010-06-04


AndrewCanham, AndyBerner, ArthurRyman, LawrenceMandel


1. Implementation Status - All

No news.

2. Review of REST API Standard URIs - ArthurRyman

We reviewed the completed action items.

QUDT and Metadata

We discussed the use of the QUDT ontology to describe our metrics, dimensions, units, etc. in a machine-understandable way. This has the advantage that tools could use this information to be more dynamic and provide a better user experience. For example, we could use qudt:MetricKind to relate compatible units of measure and apply automatic conversions, e.g. KLOC to MLOC, Days to Weeks, etc.

This type of description is metadata about the service. We discussed the need to define an API for this type of metadata. It was agreed that an API for getting metadata would be useful, and that we could leave it to the implementation to define how metadata is loaded, e.g. via an admin interface, configuration files, etc. Support for metadata will be optional, i.e. an implementation SHOULD provide access to metadata.

ACTION - ArthurRyman wll propose a best practice or simple API to get metadata. DONE. We should follow Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies.

Vote to Declare EMS 1.0 a Draft Specification

ArthurRyman proposed that we declare the EMS 1.0 specification to be a Draft, and for it to enter the convergence phase in which workgroup members attempt to implement it and report any errors, ommissions, or candidates for removal. AndrewCanham voted yes. Since LeeFischman was absent, we need to get his input.

Our plan is to declare this specification a Draft, pending agreement from Lee Fischman, and the review of the Query specification, targetted for next telecon.

ACTION - ArthurRyman will ask LeeFischman to support declaring EMS 1.0 as a Draft Specifaction. DONE - LeeFischman confirmed his agreement via email.

3. Review OSLC Core Simple Query Syntax - ArthurRyman

We depend on parts of the query syntax, e.g. to search for scenarios for a project.

We timed out before this review.


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Topic revision: r5 - 04 Jun 2010 - 14:38:30 - ArthurRyman
Main.MetricsMeeting20100528 moved from Main.MetricsMeeting20100521 on 21 May 2010 - 14:23 by ArthurRyman - put it back
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