10 December 2009 Time:
7:00 AM Pacific, 10:00 AM Eastern, 3:00 PM UK, 4:00 PM Frankfurt, 5:00 PM Haifa Call In Number: (emailed)
Participation request: contact
- Quickly summarize points from last meeting.
- Jim C. will present some changes, inspired by RM workgroup to resource format
- Discuss query
Atendees: Alan Yeung, Brenda Ellis, Ian Green, Scott Bosworth, Tom Picolli, Jim Conallen
- Unfortunately the conference call system was down, and Scott B. allowed us to use his number (which uses a different system). So attendance was down. Still, the team did discuss the recent updates in the AM spec.
- Jim C. explained these changes reflected the current thinking from the OSLC leads regarding links, and how they are presented to the client. The changes in the AM spec also parallel those recently made in the RM specification.
- The team discussed the ability to address additional properties in an AM resource. Once concern that popped up is with resource URIs that already have a fragment or query part in them. URIs like this make it difficult to directly address a property in a resource.
- The other issue and topic of conversation that popped up was how to execute queries that find things like all resources with a link to a specified URI. The current OSLC query spec does not cover this. This is a critical requirement in the AM spec.
- We concluded the meeting with a brief discussion of the spec time frame, and whether it is worth while to put off any specification of links until a 2.0 spec. It was pointed out by the implementation vendors, that in order to meet a 2010Q3 deliverable, a real spec needs to agreed on in Jan 2010. If one is not, then the implementations will do their own thing to acheive the goal.
- The next meeting we will continue discussions on what is realistic for a spec that needs to be finalized at the end of Jan 2010.
Topic revision: r2 - 10 Dec 2009 - 16:21:55 -