Package TWiki::UI::Register
User registration handling.
command handler.
This method is designed to be
invoked via the
Called by
ManageCgiScript? ::bulkRegister (requires authentication) with topic = the page with the entries on it.
StaticMethod registerAndNext ($session)
This is called when action = register or action = ""
It calls register and either Verify or Finish.
Hopefully we will get workflow integrated and rewrite this to be table driven
This is called through:
TWikiRegistration ->
RegisterCgiScript? -> here
StaticMethod resetPassword ($session)
Generates a password. Mails it to them and asks them to change it. Entry
point intended to be called from UI::run
StaticMethod changePassword ($session)
Change the user's password and/or email. Details of the user and password
are passed in CGI parameters.
- Checks required fields have values
- get wikiName and userName from getUserByEitherLoginOrWikiName(username)
- check passwords match each other, and that the password is correct, otherwise 'wrongpassword'
- TWiki::User::updateUserPassword
- 'oopschangepasswd'
NoPasswdUser? case is not handled.
An admin user can change other user's passwords.
StaticMethod verifyEmailAddress ($session)
This is called: on receipt of the activation password ->
RegisterCgiScript? -> here
- calls _loadPendingRegistration(activation password)
- throws oops if appropriate
- calls emailRegistrationConfirmations
- still calls 'oopssendmailerr' if a problem, but this is not done uniformly