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Requirement Resource Definition

In this specification we refer to the RDF model as the canonical definition of the resource, and speak in terms of the vocabularies that are of interest in these models. RDF/XML will be used to illustrate examples since that is one of the supported representation formats required by this specification.

Requirement Resource

A requirement is resource that has rdf:type oslc:TraceableThing and rdf:type "oslc_rm:Requirement". The default dc:format of a requirement is "application/x-oslc-rdm-requirement-1.0+xml" which is a format that MUST be supported by this specification.

oslc:TraceableThing is described TraceableThing.

In RDFS we could express the typing relation as follows:

oslc_rm:Requirement a rdfs:Class.

oslc:Traceable a rdfs:Class.

oslc_rm:Requirement rdfs:subClassOf oslc:Traceable.

Example Requirement in RDF/XML representation

Here is an example showing the RDF/XML of a requirement. Notice that properties from other vocabularies are present in this representation. In this example, the dc:description is provided inline as plain text; the dc:title contains some XHTML markup and is modelled by an XML Literal in the RDF.
with Accept header application/x-oslc-rdm-requirement-1.0+xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""

    <oslc_rm:Requirement rdf:about="">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>        
        <dc:creator>Ian Green</dc:creator>
        <dc:created>17 July 1900</dc:created>
        <dc:modified>1 August 2009</dc:modified>
        <dc:title rdf:parseType="Literal">
          <xhtml:div xmlns:xhtml="http://">
           Signal frequency <xhtml:b>triggering</xhtml:b> shall be modulation-exempt
        <dc:description>Signal frequency triggering shall be compliant with ISO-7488-II Part 4.</dc:description>        
        <oslc:associatedLinks rdf:resource="" />

        <!-- Some properties whose meaning is not defined by OSLC RM -->
        <acme:processLinkage rdf:resource="urn:process-id:6363" />
             rdf:resource="" />             
            rdf:resource="" />
Topic revision: r1 - 03 Nov 2009 - 15:51:35 - IanGreen
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