This wiki is locked. Future workgroup activity and specification development must take place at our new wiki. For more information, see this blog post about the new governance model and this post about changes to the website.

Product Lifecycle Management Workgroup Patent Non-Assert Covenants

Contributions to are made under the following Terms of Use. As described in the terms, each contributor to a specification makes a Patent Non-Assert Covenant with respect to such specification. The Covenants by the participants of the PLM workgroup for OSLC specifications are documented below.

For the Product Lifecycle Management and Application Lifecycle Management Integrations (PLM) Workgroup, the term “Covered Specification” in the Patent Non-assert Covenant covers any specification:

  1. Created or adopted by the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC), which includes specifications in the field of application lifecycle management and product lifecycle management, including, but not limited to, the interoperability of software applications in the product and application lifecycle, interfaces to/from such applications and the exposing of information and data generated from such applications;
  2. Appearing on the Covered Specifications list below; and
  3. For which all participants of the PLM Workgroup have agreed in writing on this PLM Workgroup Covenant wiki page.

Submission by a PLM Workgroup participant of a Patent Non-assert Covenant on this this PLM Workgroup Covenant wiki page satisfies the aforementioned written agreement requirement with respect to any specifications listed on the Covered Specifications list at the time of such submission.

Covered specifications:

Covered Specifications
OSLC Core 2.0 Specification ?
OSLC Change Management 2.0 Specification?
OSLC Requirements Management 2.0 Specification
OSLC Quality Management 2.0 Specification?
OSLC Architecture Management 2.0 Specification?
OSLC Software Configuration Management 1.0 Specification?
OSLC Asset Management 2.0 Specification?


General Motors


Northrop Grumman

Roch Bertucat


Topic revision: r3 - 10 Sep 2010 - 11:18:29 - IanGreen
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